axis is moved at f [...] decelerated and driven at f [...] position f
FunPose Inout Const f SM3M.SMC_Frame cs ElemFun_CS f
FunPose Inout Const f SM [...] .AXISPOS_REF cs ElemFun_CS f
if a specific F [...] -SPS with the F-SPS [...] FSpsBusId FSPSBUSDRV F-SPS bus
LREAL The delta f f [...] derivative at x=0 f
LREAL The delta f f [...] derivative at x=0 f
Name Type Inout f [...] 3M.SMC_Frame Inout Const fTcp SM3M.SMC_Frame fToolOffset SM
f [...] AbortTrigger BOOL FALSE 14x3 fFirstCapturePosition LREAL 0 14x4 f
StructSimpleRectangle Input simpleRectF POINTER TO VisuStructSimpleRectangleF
Position VisuFbPointF Needed [...] lastMoveBy VisuFbSizeF [...] ResizeUntransformed VisuFbSizeF last