ToString ¶ BACnetDateTimeToString (Function) Event
ObjectBase GetBACnetDateTime [...] ObjectBase IsBACnetDateTime [...] ObjectBase SetBACnetDateTime
SoftwareVersion (Property) BackupAnd [...] FailureTimeout (Property) BackupPreparationTime [...] StructuredObjectListCount (Method) GetTime
signal (turning on and [...] TIMELOW TIME Time for [...] TIMEHIGH TIME Time for
ObjectBase GetBACnetDateTime [...] ObjectBase IsBACnetDateTime [...] ObjectBase SetBACnetDateTime
Type (Property) ModificationDate [...] Name (Property) ReadFileModificationTime
BOOL Stored and time [...] and time limited [...] qualifier L BOOL Time
Block) ILocalizedDateTime [...] Indices and tables ¶ 1
RangeProperty (Method) GetBACnetDateTime [...] BACnetUnsignedProperty (Method) IsBACnetDateTime [...] RangeProperty (Method) SetBACnetDateTime
Type Timestamp OpcUa_DateTime