StaticCredentialsProvider (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK StaticCredentialsProvider IMPLEMENTS IDatasources.ICredentialsProvider, IDatasources.ICredentialsUserPassword A simple credentials provider implementation. Stores the credentials unencrypted in normal memory. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Input _username STRING _password STRING The username part of the credentials. Properties: Password Username Methods: GetCredentials IsGetCredentialsFinished LoginFailed LoginSucceeded StartGetCredentials Structure: ICredentialsProvider GetCredentials (Method) IsGetCredentialsFinished (Method) LoginFailed (Method) LoginSucceeded (Method) StartGetCredentials (Method) ICredentialsUserPassword Password (Property) Username (Property)
DataItem (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK DataItem EXTENDS DataItemBase IMPLEMENTS IDatasources.IDataItem, IDataItemImpl does not make sense to copy around Properties: Assigner DriverSpecific ErrorCode Name , inherited from DataItemBase Quality SizeLocal SizeRemote TimeStamp ValueAddress WriteCopyAddress Methods: FB_Exit ElementCompareTo , inherited from DataItemBase ElementEquals , inherited from DataItemBase ElementHashCode , inherited from DataItemBase SetError SetErrorHelp SetErrorNoLog Structure: FB_Exit (Method) IDataItem Assigner (Property) DriverSpecific (Property) SetError (Method) SizeLocal (Property) SizeRemote (Property) IDataItemBase ErrorCode (Property) Quality (Property) TimeStamp (Property) Internal SetErrorHelp (Method) SetErrorNoLog (Method) ValueAddress (Property) WriteCopyAddress (Property)
DataItem.FB_Exit (METH) ¶ METHOD FB_Exit : BOOL InOut: Scope Name Type Return FB_Exit BOOL Input bInCopyCode BOOL
IDataItem ¶ Assigner (Property) DriverSpecific (Property) SetError (Method) SizeLocal (Property) SizeRemote (Property)
DataItemListPublicPersistant (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK DataItemListPublicPersistant EXTENDS DataItemListPublic IMPLEMENTS IDatasources.IDataItemListPersistant Properties: Count , inherited from DataItemListPublic Usage UsageDetails Methods: FB_Exit CanItemBeAdded Clear , inherited from DataItemListPublic CreateAndAdd , inherited from DataItemListPublic CreateAndAddExpanding , inherited from DataItemListPublic FinishedAdding GetItem , inherited from DataItemListPublic Initialize Release , inherited from DataItemListPublic Structure: FB_Exit (Method) IDataItemListPersistant FinishedAdding (Method) Usage (Property) UsageDetails (Property) Internal Initialize (Method) Protected CanItemBeAdded (Method)
DataItemPtrVector (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK DataItemPtrVector EXTENDS Collections.BaseVector Methods: AddItem GetItem Remove Structure: AddItem (Method) GetItem (Method) Remove (Method)
DataItemVector (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK DataItemVector EXTENDS Collections.BaseVector Methods: AddItem GetArrayPtr GetItem Remove abstrAssign abstrDataPtrChanged abstrGetElementPtr abstrSizeOfElement Structure: AddItem (Method) GetArrayPtr (Method) GetItem (Method) Remove (Method) abstrAssign (Method) abstrDataPtrChanged (Method) abstrGetElementPtr (Method) abstrSizeOfElement (Method)
DintSetBitBased (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK DintSetBitBased IMPLEMENTS IDintSet Methods: AddDint Clear Contains Structure: AddDint (Method) Clear (Method) Contains (Method)
DintSetFull (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK DintSetFull EXTENDS Collections.DintToDintMap IMPLEMENTS IDintSet Methods: AddDint Contains Structure: AddDint (Method) Contains (Method)
IDintSet (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE IDintSet Methods: AddDint Clear Contains Structure: AddDint (Method) Clear (Method) Contains (Method)