SSTORAGE_VERSION_LARGEROREQUAL_3_5_5_0_ INT 0 These [...] these variables to [...] SSTORAGE_VERSION_LARGEROREQUAL_3_5_11_10_ INT 0
may be employed to [...] to 0, if bEnable is FALSE . With dwTime
output; Several time [...] First time from which the switch is to be
Sprintf : INT Does a sprintf [...] Sprintf INT Input pstFormat POINTER TO STRING the
CaseCmpA : INT Does a [...] CaseCmpA INT Input pByte1 POINTER TO BYTE p
CaseCmpW : INT Does a case [...] CaseCmpW INT Input pwd1 POINTER TO WORD pwd
OfClientSoftwareCertificates OpcUa_Int32 ClientSoftwareCertificates POINTER TO OpcUa_SignedSoftwareCertificate NoOfLocaleIds OpcUa_Int
OfServerNames OpcUa_Int32 ServerNames POINTER TO Opc [...] OfDiscoveryUrls OpcUa_Int
ArrayAccess : INT Helper function [...] ArrayAccess INT Input pSt1 POINTER TO BYTE udi
InstanceComponent : INT Helper function [...] InstanceComponent INT Input pCmp1 POINTER TO BYTE udi