Name Type Initial [...] Local Device CT_CAN_DEVICE [...] Remote Device CT
Out: Scope Name Type [...] BusScanAsync GetDeviceDiagnosisInfo GetDevice
device of the parent [...] the device tree [...] be set (TargetDevice
Out: Scope Name Type [...] NodeCount Methods: GetDeviceDiagnosisInfo GetDevice
Out: Scope Name Type [...] NodeCount Methods: GetDeviceDiagnosisInfo GetDevice
BACnet-Device to another BACnet-Device [...] -Device) are held in
61850_ENUM_SERVICES : InOut: Name [...] 6850_SERVICE_LD_DIRECTORY Logical Device IEC
Controller InOut: Scope Name [...] BusState GetDeviceDiagnosisInfo GetDevice
_only InOut: Name [...] device status does not [...] value INVALID_DEVICE
their name spaces. 3 [...] Identification ¶ Name: Base [...] Device Diagnosis