TraceAbstractAddressInfoWriter (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK TraceAbstractAddressInfoWriter This function block is the abstract base class of all implementations of the ITraceAddressInfoWriter interface. Methods: SetDataItem GetSize GetType Structure: ITraceAddressInfoWriter-parts GetSize (Method) GetType (Method) SetDataItem (Method)
TracePropertyByCallAddressInfoWriter (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK TracePropertyByCallAddressInfoWriter EXTENDS TraceAbstractAddressInfoWriter IMPLEMENTS IDatasources.ITraceAddressInfoWriter This function block is the implementation of the ITraceAddressInfoWriter interface for an address info “Property by call”. Methods: FB_Exit SetAddressInfo GetAddressFlags GetSize , inherited from TraceAbstractAddressInfoWriter GetType , inherited from TraceAbstractAddressInfoWriter Release SetDataItem , inherited from TraceAbstractAddressInfoWriter WriteAddressInfo Structure: FB_Exit (Method) ITraceAddressInfoWriter GetAddressFlags (Method) Release (Method) WriteAddressInfo (Method) SetAddressInfo (Method)
RequestFactory (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK RequestFactory IMPLEMENTS IDatasources.IDriverRequestFactory, IDatasources.IDriverRequestFactoryCustom, IDatasources.IDriverRequestFactoryLargeRequests Methods: CreateReadRequest CreateWriteRequest ReleaseRequest CreateCustomRequest CreateLargeReadRequest CreateLargeWriteRequest Structure: CreateReadRequest (Method) CreateWriteRequest (Method) IDriverRequestFactoryCustom CreateCustomRequest (Method) IDriverRequestFactoryLargeRequests CreateLargeReadRequest (Method) CreateLargeWriteRequest (Method) ReleaseRequest (Method)
RequestFactory.CreateReadRequest (METH) ¶ METHOD CreateReadRequest : IDatasources.IDriverRequest Creates a request representing the read operation for the given list of items. The request may stay alive until the list of items changes. That means it might be issued in several calls to |IDriverStateMachine.SendRequest| When the request is no longer necessary, it will be released by a call to |IDriverRequestFactory.ReleaseRequest| Important The items may be stored as part of the request object. Nevertheless it is not allowed to access them from other threads because the list might change within the main datasources task. The list will not change as long as this object is alive. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return CreateReadRequest IDatasources.IDriverRequest A new request object representing the read operation for the given list of items. Input pItems POINTER TO IDatasources.IDataItem A pointer to an array of |IDataItem| instances that should be monitored. itemsCount DINT The number of items within the array.
RequestFactory.CreateWriteRequest (METH) ¶ METHOD CreateWriteRequest : IDatasources.IDriverRequest Creates a request representing a write operation for the given list of items. When the request is no longer necessary, it will be released by a call to |IDriverRequestFactory.ReleaseRequest| Important The passed list of items must not be stored as part of the request. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return CreateWriteRequest IDatasources.IDriverRequest A new request object representing a write operation for the given list of items. Input pItems POINTER TO IDatasources.IDataItem A pointer to an array of |IDataItem| instances that should be written. itemsCount DINT The number of items within the array.
IDriverRequestFactoryCustom ¶ CreateCustomRequest (Method)
IDriverRequestFactoryLargeRequests ¶ CreateLargeReadRequest (Method) CreateLargeWriteRequest (Method)
RequestFactory.ReleaseRequest (METH) ¶ METHOD ReleaseRequest Releases the given request object. Note This method might be called while a request is still active in case the list of items is changed while a request is on it’s way. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Input request IDatasources.IDriverRequest The request that should be released. The object will no longer be accessed after this call.
Requests ¶ CustomRequestResponse (FunctionBlock) FB_Exit (Method) ICDSV3Response ContentData (Property) ContentSize (Property) RawData (Property) RawSize (Property) IDriverCustomRequest Request (Property) Response (Property) IRequest Poll (Method) Release (Method) Send (Method) IRequest (Interface) Poll (Method) Release (Method) Send (Method) LargeReadRequest (FunctionBlock) Finished (Property) Poll (Method) Release (Method) SetReceivedItemsCount (Method) SetSentItemsCount (Method) LargeWriteRequest (FunctionBlock) Finished (Property) Poll (Method) Release (Method) SetSentItemsCount (Method) StartOffset (Property) ReadRequest (FunctionBlock) FB_Exit (Method) Init (Method) Poll (Method) Protected BuildRequest (Method) ReleaseResources (Method) SetReceivedItemsCount (Method) SetSentItemsCount (Method) Release (Method) Send (Method) WriteRequest (FunctionBlock) FB_Exit (Method) Init (Method) Poll (Method) Protected ReleaseResources (Method) SetSentItemsCount (Method) StartOffset (Property) Release (Method) Send (Method)
AddressLeafTreeNode (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK AddressLeafTreeNode EXTENDS LeafTreeNode IMPLEMENTS IAddrInfoLeafTreeNode Properties: AddressInfo Methods: QueryInterface Structure: AddressInfo (Property) QueryInterface (Method)