StructWinControlClientData initialized BOOL Flag to [...] TextSizeIndex INT The index used [...] _iNearScaleNear INT The left/top
_iAlarmGroupIndex INT The index of [...] belongs to m_iAlarmIndex INT The index of
SelectedVisuByIndex : INT Will return the [...] SelectedVisuByIndex INT Input index INT [...] ClientData POINTER TO Visu
FileAlarmStorage7 Methods: SetEmptyTimestampInactiveToStartTime Structure: SetEmptyTimestampInactiveToStartTime
WriteOutputs : INT This method can [...] to write the outputs to the device
WriteOutputs : INT This method can [...] to write the outputs to the device
WriteOutputs : INT This method can [...] to write the outputs to the device
WriteOutputs : INT This method can [...] to write the outputs to the device
WriteOutputs : INT This method can [...] to write the outputs to the device
TO ARRAY [0..0] OF [...] StructMonitorAlarmClassDesc Where to store the [...] Size INT The size of