instance is the base of [...] registers itself to the [...] of the CODESYS
Id Id of the device [...] supplied offset to the process images of the
_BACNET_INST_NUMBER The device instance [...] integrity of the alarms [...] . InOut: Scope Name
of the devices [...] . @param deviceId Id of the device. @param
subset of the output [...] Field Device. The [...] output data to the
system of the master [...] _GROUP_REF_SM3 Reference to the master [...] transformation is fixed to the
Device to the handle [...] . In order to [...] concept of the specific
. psName POINTER TO STRING The name of the [...] ServiceWriter2 instance, where the data
master. InOut: Name [...] Enable BOOL IN: If set to TRUE, the master
device in the BACnet [...] device address of the targeted device in the