OpcUa_Int64 (ALIAS) ¶ TYPE OpcUa_Int64 : LINT
OpcUa_SByte (ALIAS) ¶ TYPE OpcUa_SByte : SINT
OpcUa_UInt (ALIAS) ¶ TYPE OpcUa_UInt : UDINT
CmpSchedule Library Documentation ¶ Company System Title CmpSchedule Version Categories System|SysLibs Author 3S - Smart Software Solutions GmbH Placeholder CmpSchedule Description 1 ¶ Library to get access to the runtime system scheduler. This can be used to access all IEC tasks and the exported scheduler functions. Contents: ¶ SchedGetCurrentTask (Function) SchedGetNumOfTasks (Function) SchedGetProcessorLoad (Function) SchedGetTaskEventByHandle (Function) SchedGetTaskHandleByIndex (Function) SchedGetTaskHandleByName (Function) SchedGetTaskInterval (Function) SchedPostExternalEvent (Function) SchedRegisterExternalEvent (Function) SchedSetTaskInterval (Function) SchedUnregisterExternalEvent (Function) SchedWaitBusy (Function) SchedWaitSleep (Function) Indices and tables ¶ 1 Based on CmpSchedule.library, last modified 20.04.2021, 15:55:19. LibDoc The content file CmpSchedule.clean.json was generated with CODESYS V3.5 SP16 Patch 3 on 20.04.2021, 15:55:19.
SchedGetCurrentTask (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION SchedGetCurrentTask : RTS_IEC_HANDLE <description>Is called to get the schedule handle of the current running task</description> <param name=”pResult” type=”OUT”>ERR_OK or Error code</param> <result>Handle to the current running task or RTS_INVALID_HANDLE if failed</result> InOut: Scope Name Type Return SchedGetCurrentTask RTS_IEC_HANDLE Input pResult POINTER TO RTS_IEC_RESULT
SchedGetNumOfTasks (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION SchedGetNumOfTasks : DINT <description> Is called to get the number of all registerd IEC tasks in the scheduler. </description> <param name=”pApp” type=”IN”>If an application is specified, only the tasks of this application is returned. If NULL, number of all tasks is returned. </param> <param name=”pResult” type=”OUT”>ERR_OK or Error code</param> <result>Number of tasks</result> InOut: Scope Name Type Return SchedGetNumOfTasks DINT Input pApp POINTER TO APPLICATION pResult POINTER TO RTS_IEC_RESULT
SchedGetProcessorLoad (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION SchedGetProcessorLoad : UDINT <description>Returns the processor load of all IEC tasks</description> <param name=”pResult” type=”OUT”>Pointer to error code</param> <result>Processor load in percent</result> InOut: Scope Name Type Return SchedGetProcessorLoad UDINT Input pResult POINTER TO RTS_IEC_RESULT
SchedGetTaskEventByHandle (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION SchedGetTaskEventByHandle : RTS_IEC_HANDLE <description> Function returns the handle to the task event. With this event a task can be activaed externally, e.g. for external triggered event tasks. The event can be sent by SysEventSet(EventHandle); </description> <param name=”hSchedTask” type=”IN”>Scheduler task handle</param> <param name=”pResult” type=”OUT”>ERR_OK or Error code</param> <result>Event handle. Can be used with SysEventSet(hEvent) of the SysEvent.library to wakeup the task</result> InOut: Scope Name Type Return SchedGetTaskEventByHandle RTS_IEC_HANDLE Input hSchedTask RTS_IEC_HANDLE pResult POINTER TO RTS_IEC_RESULT
SchedGetTaskHandleByIndex (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION SchedGetTaskHandleByIndex : RTS_IEC_HANDLE <description> Function returns the task handle of a task specified by an index. </description> <param name=”pApp” type=”IN”>If an application is specified, only the task of this application is returned. If NULL, the task with the index in all tasks i returned. </param> <param name=”pResult” type=”OUT”>ERR_OK or Error code</param> <result>Handle to the task</result> InOut: Scope Name Type Return SchedGetTaskHandleByIndex RTS_IEC_HANDLE Input pApp POINTER TO APPLICATION nIndex DINT pResult POINTER TO RTS_IEC_RESULT
SchedGetTaskHandleByName (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION SchedGetTaskHandleByName : RTS_IEC_HANDLE <description> Function returns the handle to the task specified by name. </description> <param name=”pszTaskName” type=”IN”>Task name</param> <param name=”pResult” type=”OUT”>ERR_OK or Error code</param> <result>Scheduler task handle</result> InOut: Scope Name Type Return SchedGetTaskHandleByName RTS_IEC_HANDLE Inout Const pszTaskName STRING Input pResult POINTER TO RTS_IEC_RESULT