Open TransactionBegin UtilityGetCurrentDateAndTime [...] Begin (Method) UtilityGetCurrentDateAndTime
date and time (UTC [...] timeDate SYSTIMEDATE [...] (UTC value) and a
CODESYS Safety for EtherCAT Safety Module
类型名称有效: FB_AND FB_CS FB [...] 块具有 tEDM1ResetTime 和 tEDM2ResetTime 输入
_Wstring Iec_Time Iec_Date Iec_DateAndTime Iec_Time [...] _AnyBit Iec_AnyDate Iec
Begin (Method) UtilityGetCurrentDateAndTime
Begin (Method) UtilityGetCurrentDateAndTime
LastModification DT Date and time
Comment lDateAndTime DT Time and date is an [...] field not valid xNoDate
_NotEqual (Function) DATE_AND_TIME Assert_DateAndTime_Equal (Function) Assert_DateAndTime