Subindex, as used in the object directory. In [...] outputs operate in the
Subindex, as used in the object directory. In [...] outputs operate in the
, but in a DWORD (dw [...] directly. InOut: Scope [...] outputs operate in the
variable length In [...] outputs operate in the [...] completed or in the event
Bytes InOut: Scope [...] outputs operate in the [...] completed or in the event
variable length In [...] outputs operate in the [...] completed or in the event
Bytes InOut: Scope [...] outputs operate in the [...] completed or in the event
in the context of [...] . In this case [...] Continuous Behaviour . In
_REF_ETC_DS402_CS InOut: Scope Name [...] AxisStructID WORD 16#FE12 AXIS [...] CommunicationState WORD 16#FFFF
_REF_ETC_SM3 InOut: Scope Name [...] AxisStructID WORD 16#FE12 AXIS [...] CommunicationState WORD 16#FFFF