CellSelected : BOOL This method [...] to a data index is [...] CellSelected BOOL Input i
record is written to [...] to be written. The [...] the data record to
ForceSwap : INT Swaps the given [...] ForceSwap INT Input pbyBuffer POINTER TO BYTE i
_DC BOOL d_REF INT [...] _CF BOOL units ty [...] dU_REF INT
RegisteredVisusBlockwise : INT Will return the [...] copied to the array In [...] RegisteredVisusBlockwise INT Input p
RegisteredDialogsBlockwise : INT Will return the [...] copied to the array In [...] RegisteredDialogsBlockwise INT Input p
_VALUE_LENGTH INT (ANY_TO_INT(60) * ANY_TO_INT(2)) The [...] of a WSTRING to
TstType INT Output xDone BOOL Operation done [...] errors error INT Error
data associated to a [...] output is set to 1 [...] set to 0, and the
X INT iY INT iWidth INT iHeight INT pszText POINTER TO BYTE udi