_GCODE_WORD : STRUCT This data type includes the data of one [...] BYTE 0 If <> 0 , the
socket pbyData POINTER TO BYTE Pointer to data to receive diData
PathBuildingNode pData POINTER TO BYTE userdefined data pstPath POINTER
Type Comment Input pDataTrs POINTER TO BYTE Pointer to the data to
Input pDataTrs POINTER TO BYTE Pointer to the data to
QueueFactoryArgs EXTENDS FBF.InstanceData [...] Inst CAA.HANDLE InstanceData [...] TO BYTE udi
Index WORD bySubIndex BYTE uiDataLength UINT dwData DWORD udi
Index WORD bySubIndex BYTE Output uiDataLength UINT dwData XWORD
types ARRAY [0..(Soft [...] sentence data.
auf ARM), byte [...] device specific data [...] _MAX_INFO_NAME_LENTH - 1)] OF BYTE