enough. InOut: Scope [...] PadChar WORD The padding
enough. InOut: Scope [...] PadChar WORD The padding
. InOut: Scope Name [...] wIndex WORD Index
PARAMETER struct. In [...] control parameter udiIn [...] Type=BOOL | XON/XOFF in
write an object in [...] in pbyData was [...] returned. InOut: Scope
returned. InOut: Scope [...] Input wIndex WORD [...] reading xDataIn
Status : WORD ; xRead : BOOL [...] Timeout := 500 ); InOut: Scope [...] outputs operate in the
_BLOCK NetVarPDO_Rx_Udp In [...] VarDataItem_UDP wDrvNr WORD n
Socket level InOut: Name [...] address) wType WORD [...] SOCK_AIT_xxx in GVL
transformations in the CNC online help. In [...] coordinate system (in