_IEC_RESULT Delete a shared memory [...] error code (see CmpErrors.library
. A standard path [...] error code (see CmpErrors.library [...] separated with a Slash
a socket to a [...] will assign a local address to a socket
function the size of a [...] ). Therefor a pointer on [...] library- or POU-name
_Callback library. Error range [...] library in the prefix [...] _ARGUMENT 20004 Argument is a
_IEC_RESULT Deletes a directory [...] Recursive is set, a whole [...] CmpErrors_Itf.library
write a defined number of bytes to a [...] , starting at a certain
record of a trace [...] of a packet. In [...] CmpErrors.library
_IEC_HANDLE Create a new socket [...] . Using a STD socket [...] . If a blocking
with a Slash (/) and not with a [...] Errors2 Interface Library)