device. Following [...] Device Diagnosis DED.DEVICE [...] command: CAA Device
Opens the device. @RETURN deviceId Id OF the device., -1 on
Out: Scope Name Type [...] BusScanAsync GetDeviceDiagnosisInfo GetDevice
Out: Scope Name Type [...] SlaveComPort Methods: GetDeviceDiagnosisInfo GetDevice
.IQueryInterface Properties: RemoteDeviceName Structure: RemoteDeviceName
given device. @param deviceId The device to [...] Name Type Return Get
: DCP_DeviceData Get [...] Out: Scope Name Type Return Get DCP_Device
SlaveByNodeID : POINTER TO CANRemoteDevice [...] a CanRemoteDevice [...] ID. InOut: Scope Name
Out: Scope Name Type [...] ConsumingAssembly , inherited from Module GetDeviceDiagnosisInfo GetDevice
their name spaces. 3 [...] Identification ¶ Name: Base [...] Device Diagnosis