BACnetObjectIDProperty Sets the BACnet-ObjectID-Value of the [...] _BACNET_OBJECT_ID struct. The used
BACnetClientCOVProperty Sets the BACnet-ClientCOV-Value of the [...] _BACNET_CLIENT_COV struct. The used
_MAX are used for the [...] output, that is the [...] is set to this
when the Client [...] can be used for accessing the raw client
stored value, the [...] BufferPtr returns the localized text of the month as
stored value, the [...] BufferPtr returns the localized text of the month as
function block is the [...] body of this FB is [...] the device is
BACnet.IEC_BACNET_OBJECT_ID Returns the BACnet-ObjectID-Value of the [...] _BACNET_OBJECT_ID struct. The used
BACnet.IEC_BACNET_CLIENT_COV Returns the BACnet-ClientCOV-Value of the [...] _BACNET_CLIENT_COV struct. The used
_BACNET_SETPOINT_REFERENCE struct. The used [...] BACnet.IEC_BACNET_SETPOINT_REFERENCE Returns the BACnet-Setpoint-Reference-Value