DynamicTextGetCurrentLanguage (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION DynamicTextGetCurrentLanguage : STRING This method returns the name of the currently loaded language if there is any. If no language is loaded (there was no call to DynamicTextChangeLanguage before), then an empty string will be returned. InOut: Scope Name Type Return DynamicTextGetCurrentLanguage STRING
DynamicTextGetDefaultTextW (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION DynamicTextGetDefaultTextW : POINTER TO STRING This function retrieves the specified text from the runtime. The text will be returned as a IEC-WString (short* in the runtime) InOut: Scope Name Type Return DynamicTextGetDefaultTextW POINTER TO STRING Input pstTextList POINTER TO STRING pstTextIndex POINTER TO STRING
DynamicTextGetDefaultText (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION DynamicTextGetDefaultText : POINTER TO STRING This function retrieves the specified text from the runtime. The text will be returned as a IEC-String (char* in the runtime) InOut: Scope Name Type Return DynamicTextGetDefaultText POINTER TO STRING Input pstTextList POINTER TO STRING pstTextIndex POINTER TO STRING
DynamicTextGetText (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION DynamicTextGetText : POINTER TO STRING This function retrieves the specified text from the runtime. The text will be returned as a IEC-String (char* in the runtime) InOut: Scope Name Type Return DynamicTextGetText POINTER TO STRING Input pstTextList POINTER TO STRING pstTextIndex POINTER TO STRING
DynamicTextGetTextW (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION DynamicTextGetTextW : POINTER TO STRING This function retrieves the specified text from the runtime. The text will be returned as a IEC-WString (short* in the runtime) InOut: Scope Name Type Return DynamicTextGetTextW POINTER TO STRING Input pstTextList POINTER TO STRING pstTextIndex POINTER TO STRING
DynamicTextIterateIndices (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION DynamicTextIterateIndices : RTS_IEC_RESULT This function can be used to iterate over all indices of a given textlist. An according callback will be called once for each entry in the textlist. Please remark: The order of the entries that are returned may be undefined. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return DynamicTextIterateIndices RTS_IEC_RESULT Input pstTextList POINTER TO STRING The name of the textlist that should be iterated pfIterationCallback POINTER TO BYTE The callback function that will be called for every index in the textlist The expected signature is a function returning BOOL with two arguments: a POINTER TO STRING argument reflecting an ID within the textlist. The given POINTER should not be stored for time longer than the overall iteration and the POINTER should not be dereferenced directly but instead it should be copied to a temporary variable before access. a __UXINT value reflecting the value passed in iterationData If the callback function returns FALSE, then the iteration will be cancelled. iterationData __UXINT User provided value that will transparently be passed to all calls of pfIterationCallback
DynamicTextLoadDefaultTexts (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION DynamicTextLoadDefaultTexts : RTS_IEC_RESULT This function loads the default texts from the currently registered text files. as a IEC-String (char* in the runtime) InOut: Scope Name Type Return DynamicTextLoadDefaultTexts RTS_IEC_RESULT
DynamicTextRegisterFile (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION DynamicTextRegisterFile : RTS_IEC_RESULT This function registers a dynamic text file. These registered text files are considered when load or reload is called on the CmpDynamicText component. InOut: Scope Name Type Return DynamicTextRegisterFile RTS_IEC_RESULT Input szFile REFERENCE TO STRING
DynamicTextRegisterPath (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION DynamicTextRegisterPath : RTS_IEC_RESULT This function sets an optional path where the dynamic text files are searched when they are loaded or reloaded by the CmpDynamicText component. InOut: Scope Name Type Return DynamicTextRegisterPath RTS_IEC_RESULT Input szPath REFERENCE TO STRING
DynamicTextReloadTexts (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION DynamicTextReloadTexts : RTS_IEC_RESULT This function reloads all currently registered text files for the currently assigned language. This function could be used for example when you know that a textfile was updated externally and you want to reload those files. InOut: Scope Name Type Return DynamicTextReloadTexts RTS_IEC_RESULT