DirCreate : BOOL InOut: Scope [...] DirCreate BOOL Inout Const stName STRING
DirRemove : BOOL InOut: Scope [...] DirRemove BOOL Inout Const stName STRING
to the string to [...] LegalUTF8 : BOOL This method [...] string contains of
Active BOOL stAppName STRING
AlreadyExisting : BOOL [...] AlreadyExisting BOOL Input stName STRING
61850_CheckClients : BOOL InOut: Scope [...] 61850_CheckClients BOOL Input sInputIPAddress STRING
FileStreamRename : BOOL InOut: Scope [...] FileStreamRename BOOL Input FileOldName STRING File
FileGetTime : BOOL InOut: Scope [...] FileGetTime BOOL Inout Const FileName STRING
Add : BOOL Adds a file to [...] Add BOOL Input stFile STRING pi
_HelpDumpLibHierarchy : BOOL InOut: Scope [...] _HelpDumpLibHierarchy BOOL Input stFile STRING p