interface for UDINT [...] Value Methods: ElementCompareTo
interface for UINTs [...] Value Methods: ElementCompareTo
interface for ULINTs [...] Value Methods: ElementCompareTo
interface for WStrings [...] Value Methods: ElementCompareTo
: SAFEBOOL Function for [...] to handle a [...] to a received FSo
ActiveAck : POINTER TO WSTRING [...] can be provided for
axis values for a [...] parameter x for axis [...] interpolation parameter x to
ID to specify for [...] _CmpSupervisor_StateChanged WORD 16#1 IDs for [...] _Supervisor_StateChanged DWORD (SHL(UINT_TO
SupportedCommunicationState is used to check for the general [...] driver is for example
WdgEnable : BOOL Function to [...] watchdog for a specified task. Disabled for V