IStorage (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE IStorage EXTENDS __System.IQueryInterface Properties: StorageEncoding StorageIsReadOnly StorageLockingState StorageNumOfTables StorageSchemaVersion StorageUserVersion StorageVersion Methods: StorageClear StorageClose StorageGetMetrics StorageGetPath StorageReorg TableOpen TransactionBegin UtilityGetCurrentDateAndTime UtilityRandomness Structure: Storage StorageClear (Method) StorageClose (Method) StorageEncoding (Property) StorageGetMetrics (Method) StorageGetPath (Method) StorageIsReadOnly (Property) StorageLockingState (Property) StorageNumOfTables (Property) StorageReorg (Method) StorageSchemaVersion (Property) StorageUserVersion (Property) StorageVersion (Property) Table TableOpen (Method) Transaction TransactionBegin (Method) Utilities UtilityGetCurrentDateAndTime (Method) UtilityRandomness (Method)
IStorage2 (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE IStorage2 EXTENDS IStorage Extension of interface IStorage to be able to determine the root pages of tables dynamically Attention: This interface can be only used in case of a device V3.5 SP11 Patch 1 or newer Properties: StorageEncoding , inherited from IStorage StorageIsReadOnly , inherited from IStorage StorageLockingState , inherited from IStorage StorageNumOfTables , inherited from IStorage StorageSchemaVersion , inherited from IStorage StorageUserVersion , inherited from IStorage StorageVersion , inherited from IStorage Methods: StorageGetIndexId StorageGetTableId StorageClear , inherited from IStorage StorageClose , inherited from IStorage StorageGetMetrics , inherited from IStorage StorageGetPath , inherited from IStorage StorageReorg , inherited from IStorage TableOpen , inherited from IStorage TransactionBegin , inherited from IStorage UtilityGetCurrentDateAndTime , inherited from IStorage UtilityRandomness , inherited from IStorage Structure: StorageGetIndexId (Method) StorageGetTableId (Method)
ITable (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE ITable EXTENDS __System.IQueryInterface Properties: TableId TableNumOfColumns TableNumOfIndexes TableNumOfRows TableStorage Methods: CursorOpen RowCreate RowDelete RowDuplicate RowSelect TableClear TableClose Structure: Cursor CursorOpen (Method) Row RowCreate (Method) RowDelete (Method) RowDuplicate (Method) RowSelect (Method) Table TableClear (Method) TableClose (Method) TableId (Property) TableNumOfColumns (Property) TableNumOfIndexes (Property) TableNumOfRows (Property) TableStorage (Property)
ITable2 (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE ITable2 EXTENDS ITable Extension of interface ITable. Properties: TableId , inherited from ITable TableNumOfColumns , inherited from ITable TableNumOfIndexes , inherited from ITable TableNumOfRows , inherited from ITable TableStorage , inherited from ITable Methods: CursorOpen , inherited from ITable RowCreate , inherited from ITable RowDelete , inherited from ITable RowDelete2 RowDuplicate , inherited from ITable RowSelect , inherited from ITable TableClear , inherited from ITable TableClose , inherited from ITable Structure: Row RowDelete2 (Method)
ITable3 (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE ITable3 EXTENDS ITable2 Extension of interface ITable. Properties: LastError TableId , inherited from ITable TableNumOfColumns , inherited from ITable TableNumOfIndexes , inherited from ITable TableNumOfRows , inherited from ITable TableStorage , inherited from ITable Methods: CursorOpen , inherited from ITable RowCreate , inherited from ITable RowDelete , inherited from ITable RowDelete2 , inherited from ITable2 RowDuplicate , inherited from ITable RowSelect , inherited from ITable TableClear , inherited from ITable TableClose , inherited from ITable Structure: LastError (Property)
ITable4 (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE ITable4 EXTENDS ITable3 Extension of interface ITable3. Properties: LastError , inherited from ITable3 TableId , inherited from ITable TableNumOfColumns , inherited from ITable TableNumOfIndexes , inherited from ITable TableNumOfRows , inherited from ITable TableStorage , inherited from ITable Methods: GetMinMaxRowIds CursorOpen , inherited from ITable RowCreate , inherited from ITable RowDelete , inherited from ITable RowDelete2 , inherited from ITable2 RowDuplicate , inherited from ITable RowSelect , inherited from ITable TableClear , inherited from ITable TableClose , inherited from ITable Structure: GetMinMaxRowIds (Method)
Transaction ¶ ISavepoint (Interface) Savepoint SavepointRelease (Method) SavepointRollback (Method) SavepointStorage (Property) SavepointTransaction (Property) ITransaction (Interface) Savepoint TransactionSetSavepoint (Method) Transaction TransactionCommit (Method) TransactionRollback (Method) TransactionStorage (Property)
ISavepoint (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE ISavepoint EXTENDS __System.IQueryInterface Properties: SavepointStorage SavepointTransaction Methods: SavepointRelease SavepointRollback Structure: Savepoint SavepointRelease (Method) SavepointRollback (Method) SavepointStorage (Property) SavepointTransaction (Property)
ITransaction (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE ITransaction EXTENDS __System.IQueryInterface Properties: TransactionStorage Methods: TransactionCommit TransactionRollback TransactionSetSavepoint Structure: Savepoint TransactionSetSavepoint (Method) Transaction TransactionCommit (Method) TransactionRollback (Method) TransactionStorage (Property)
Structs ¶ BLOB (Alias) METRICS (Alias) STO_BLOB (Struct) STO_METRICS (Struct) STO_TEXT (Struct) TEXT (Alias)