IRowPlanchetAsync (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE IRowPlanchetAsync EXTENDS __System.IQueryInterface Methods: RowInsertAsync Structure: Row RowInsertAsync (Method)
IStorageAsync (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE IStorageAsync EXTENDS __System.IQueryInterface Methods: StorageClearAsync StorageCloseAsync StorageReorgAsync TableOpenAsync TransactionBeginAsync Structure: Storage StorageClearAsync (Method) StorageCloseAsync (Method) StorageReorgAsync (Method) Table TableOpenAsync (Method) Transaction TransactionBeginAsync (Method)
ITableAsync (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE ITableAsync EXTENDS __System.IQueryInterface Methods: CursorOpenAsync RowDeleteAsync RowSelectAsync TableClearAsync TableCloseAsync Structure: Cursor CursorOpenAsync (Method) Row RowDeleteAsync (Method) RowSelectAsync (Method) Table TableClearAsync (Method) TableCloseAsync (Method)
AsyncTransaction ¶ ISavepointAsync (Interface) Savepoint SavepointReleaseAsync (Method) SavepointRollbackAsync (Method) ITransactionAsync (Interface) Savepoint TransactionSetSavepointAsync (Method) Transaction TransactionCommitAsync (Method) TransactionRollbackAsync (Method)
ISavepointAsync (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE ISavepointAsync EXTENDS __System.IQueryInterface Methods: SavepointReleaseAsync SavepointRollbackAsync Structure: Savepoint SavepointReleaseAsync (Method) SavepointRollbackAsync (Method)
ITransactionAsync (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE ITransactionAsync EXTENDS __System.IQueryInterface Methods: TransactionCommitAsync TransactionRollbackAsync TransactionSetSavepointAsync Structure: Savepoint TransactionSetSavepointAsync (Method) Transaction TransactionCommitAsync (Method) TransactionRollbackAsync (Method)
Storage ¶ ICursor (Interface) Cursor CursorClose (Method) CursorCurrentRow (Property) CursorIndexId (Property) CursorIsReadOnly (Property) CursorMove (Method) CursorStorage (Property) CursorTable (Property) Searching CursorSearchRowId (Method) CursorSearch_DINT (Method) CursorSearch_INT (Method) CursorSearch_LINT (Method) CursorSearch_LREAL (Method) CursorSearch_NULL (Method) CursorSearch_REAL (Method) CursorSearch_SINT (Method) CursorSearch_TEXT (Method) ICursor2 (Interface) Searching CursorSearchRowId2 (Method) ICursor3 (Interface) LastError (Property) IRow (Interface) Row RowHasChanged (Property) RowId (Property) RowUpdate (Method) IRow2 (Interface) Row GetRowId (Method) IRow3 (Interface) LastError (Property) IRowBase (Interface) Column ColumnGetType (Method) Get Value ColumnGet_BLOB (Method) ColumnGet_DINT (Method) ColumnGet_INT (Method) ColumnGet_LINT (Method) ColumnGet_LREAL (Method) ColumnGet_REAL (Method) ColumnGet_SINT (Method) ColumnGet_TEXT (Method) Set Value ColumnSet_BLOB (Method) ColumnSet_DINT (Method) ColumnSet_INT (Method) ColumnSet_LINT (Method) ColumnSet_LREAL (Method) ColumnSet_NULL (Method) ColumnSet_REAL (Method) ColumnSet_SINT (Method) ColumnSet_TEXT (Method) Update Value ColumnUpdate_BLOB (Method) ColumnUpdate_DINT (Method) ColumnUpdate_INT (Method) ColumnUpdate_LINT (Method) ColumnUpdate_LREAL (Method) ColumnUpdate_REAL (Method) ColumnUpdate_SINT (Method) ColumnUpdate_TEXT (Method) Row RowClear (Method) RowNumOfColumns (Property) RowRelease (Method) RowStorage (Property) RowTable (Property) IRowPlanchet (Interface) Row RowInsert (Method) IStorage (Interface) Storage StorageClear (Method) StorageClose (Method) StorageEncoding (Property) StorageGetMetrics (Method) StorageGetPath (Method) StorageIsReadOnly (Property) StorageLockingState (Property) StorageNumOfTables (Property) StorageReorg (Method) StorageSchemaVersion (Property) StorageUserVersion (Property) StorageVersion (Property) Table TableOpen (Method) Transaction TransactionBegin (Method) Utilities UtilityGetCurrentDateAndTime (Method) UtilityRandomness (Method) IStorage2 (Interface) StorageGetIndexId (Method) StorageGetTableId (Method) ITable (Interface) Cursor CursorOpen (Method) Row RowCreate (Method) RowDelete (Method) RowDuplicate (Method) RowSelect (Method) Table TableClear (Method) TableClose (Method) TableId (Property) TableNumOfColumns (Property) TableNumOfIndexes (Property) TableNumOfRows (Property) TableStorage (Property) ITable2 (Interface) Row RowDelete2 (Method) ITable3 (Interface) LastError (Property) ITable4 (Interface) GetMinMaxRowIds (Method)
ICursor (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE ICursor EXTENDS __System.IQueryInterface Properties: CursorCurrentRow CursorIndexId CursorIsReadOnly CursorStorage CursorTable Methods: CursorClose CursorMove CursorSearchRowId CursorSearch_DINT CursorSearch_INT CursorSearch_LINT CursorSearch_LREAL CursorSearch_NULL CursorSearch_REAL CursorSearch_SINT CursorSearch_TEXT Structure: Cursor CursorClose (Method) CursorCurrentRow (Property) CursorIndexId (Property) CursorIsReadOnly (Property) CursorMove (Method) CursorStorage (Property) CursorTable (Property) Searching CursorSearchRowId (Method) CursorSearch_DINT (Method) CursorSearch_INT (Method) CursorSearch_LINT (Method) CursorSearch_LREAL (Method) CursorSearch_NULL (Method) CursorSearch_REAL (Method) CursorSearch_SINT (Method) CursorSearch_TEXT (Method)
ICursor2 (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE ICursor2 EXTENDS ICursor Extension of interface ICursor. Properties: CursorCurrentRow , inherited from ICursor CursorIndexId , inherited from ICursor CursorIsReadOnly , inherited from ICursor CursorStorage , inherited from ICursor CursorTable , inherited from ICursor Methods: CursorClose , inherited from ICursor CursorMove , inherited from ICursor CursorSearchRowId , inherited from ICursor CursorSearchRowId2 CursorSearch_DINT , inherited from ICursor CursorSearch_INT , inherited from ICursor CursorSearch_LINT , inherited from ICursor CursorSearch_LREAL , inherited from ICursor CursorSearch_NULL , inherited from ICursor CursorSearch_REAL , inherited from ICursor CursorSearch_SINT , inherited from ICursor CursorSearch_TEXT , inherited from ICursor Structure: Searching CursorSearchRowId2 (Method)
ICursor3 (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE ICursor3 EXTENDS ICursor2 Extension of interface ICursor2. Properties: LastError CursorCurrentRow , inherited from ICursor CursorIndexId , inherited from ICursor CursorIsReadOnly , inherited from ICursor CursorStorage , inherited from ICursor CursorTable , inherited from ICursor Methods: CursorClose , inherited from ICursor CursorMove , inherited from ICursor CursorSearchRowId , inherited from ICursor CursorSearchRowId2 , inherited from ICursor2 CursorSearch_DINT , inherited from ICursor CursorSearch_INT , inherited from ICursor CursorSearch_LINT , inherited from ICursor CursorSearch_LREAL , inherited from ICursor CursorSearch_NULL , inherited from ICursor CursorSearch_REAL , inherited from ICursor CursorSearch_SINT , inherited from ICursor CursorSearch_TEXT , inherited from ICursor Structure: LastError (Property)