first occurent of a [...] sorted list. The name
first occurent of a [...] sorted list. The name
.ETrig IMPLEMENTS IDTCProviderList [...] connected to output itfDTCProviderList [...] of an error. In
GetElementPtr (Method) abstrSizeOf [...] ) DataItemList [...] _Exit (Method) IDataIemList
State : Possible states of a [...] |LIST [...] _ERROR| . LIST_SERVICES Empty
. listOfValues POINTER [...] contains a list of one [...] in the list of
SetMx_REF INT List of [...] SetSt_REF INT List of status [...] 61850_CDC_TMS Time duration of
executed for a list of [...] ] OF DWORD A pointer to an array of
executed for a list of [...] ] OF DWORD A pointer to an array of
list in the [...] of Visu [...] Position STRING the ID of the