CAA Mathematics ¶ This library provides some helpful mathematical program units. The standardized in- and outputs of function blocks are described in detail with the CAA guidelines, so that we will omit this aspect here. Functions Transformations LinearTrafo (FunctionBlock) fmod (Function) analog monitors Hysteresis_DINT (FunctionBlock) Hysteresis_LREAL (FunctionBlock) LimitAlarm_DINT (FunctionBlock) LimitAlarm_LREAL (FunctionBlock) sgn (Function) analytical functions CalcRootLin (FunctionBlock) CalcRootParable (FunctionBlock) Derivative (FunctionBlock) Integral (FunctionBlock) PolynomialValue (Function) function manipulators CharCurve_DINT (FunctionBlock) CharCurve_LREAL (FunctionBlock) geometrical functions Line Functions ProjectPointOnLine (Function) Plane Functions CalcHesseRepresentation (FunctionBlock) ProjectPointOnPlane (Function) Polar coordinates CartesianToPolar (FunctionBlock) PolarToCartesian (FunctionBlock) Vector Functions AddMultiplicatedVector (Function) CrossProduct (FunctionBlock) CrossProductNormed (FunctionBlock) MakeNormed3D (Function) Norm3D (Function) ScalProd3D (Function) ScalProd3DStand (Function) SubVector (Function) signals MeasureFrequence (FunctionBlock) statistical functions Statistics_DINT (FunctionBlock) Statistics_LREAL (FunctionBlock) Variance (FunctionBlock) trigonometrical functions atan2 (Function) Global Variables GlobalConstants (GVL) Structs LINE_3D (Struct) PLANE_H (Struct) POINT2_DINT (Struct) POINT2_LREAL (Struct) VECTOR3D (Struct)
Functions ¶ Transformations LinearTrafo (FunctionBlock) fmod (Function) analog monitors Hysteresis_DINT (FunctionBlock) Hysteresis_LREAL (FunctionBlock) LimitAlarm_DINT (FunctionBlock) LimitAlarm_LREAL (FunctionBlock) sgn (Function) analytical functions CalcRootLin (FunctionBlock) CalcRootParable (FunctionBlock) Derivative (FunctionBlock) Integral (FunctionBlock) PolynomialValue (Function) function manipulators CharCurve_DINT (FunctionBlock) CharCurve_LREAL (FunctionBlock) geometrical functions Line Functions ProjectPointOnLine (Function) Plane Functions CalcHesseRepresentation (FunctionBlock) ProjectPointOnPlane (Function) Polar coordinates CartesianToPolar (FunctionBlock) PolarToCartesian (FunctionBlock) Vector Functions AddMultiplicatedVector (Function) CrossProduct (FunctionBlock) CrossProductNormed (FunctionBlock) MakeNormed3D (Function) Norm3D (Function) ScalProd3D (Function) ScalProd3DStand (Function) SubVector (Function) signals MeasureFrequence (FunctionBlock) statistical functions Statistics_DINT (FunctionBlock) Statistics_LREAL (FunctionBlock) Variance (FunctionBlock) trigonometrical functions atan2 (Function)
List ¶ IList (Interface) AppendElem (Method) InsertElem (Method) PopBackElem (Method) PopElem (Method) PushElem (Method) RemoveElem (Method) ISimpleList (Interface) HeadElem (Property) ListIsEmpty (Property) ListSize (Property) TailElem (Property) ITypedList (Interface) AppendElem (Method) InsertElem (Method) ListTypeId (Property) PopBackElem (Method) PopElem (Method) PushElem (Method) RemoveElem (Method)
IList (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE IList EXTENDS ISimpleList Properties: HeadElem , inherited from ISimpleList ListIsEmpty , inherited from ISimpleList ListSize , inherited from ISimpleList TailElem , inherited from ISimpleList Methods: AppendElem InsertElem PopBackElem PopElem PushElem RemoveElem Structure: AppendElem (Method) InsertElem (Method) PopBackElem (Method) PopElem (Method) PushElem (Method) RemoveElem (Method)
ISimpleList (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE ISimpleList EXTENDS __SYSTEM.IQueryInterface Properties: HeadElem ListIsEmpty ListSize TailElem Structure: HeadElem (Property) ListIsEmpty (Property) ListSize (Property) TailElem (Property)
ITypedList (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE ITypedList EXTENDS ISimpleList Properties: ListTypeId HeadElem , inherited from ISimpleList ListIsEmpty , inherited from ISimpleList ListSize , inherited from ISimpleList TailElem , inherited from ISimpleList Methods: AppendElem InsertElem PopBackElem PopElem PushElem RemoveElem Structure: AppendElem (Method) InsertElem (Method) ListTypeId (Property) PopBackElem (Method) PopElem (Method) PushElem (Method) RemoveElem (Method)
Tree ¶ ISimpleTree (Interface) ChildCount (Property) FirstChild (Property) IsLinkedTree (Property) IsTreeRoot (Property) LastChild (Property) NextSibling (Property) ParentTree (Property) PrevSibling (Property) SiblingCount (Property) ITree (Interface) AddChild (Method) InsertSibling (Method) RemoveTree (Method) ITypedTree (Interface) AddChild (Method) InsertSibling (Method) RemoveTree (Method) TreeTypeId (Property)
ISimpleTree (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE ISimpleTree EXTENDS __SYSTEM.IQueryInterface Properties: ChildCount FirstChild IsLinkedTree IsTreeRoot LastChild NextSibling ParentTree PrevSibling SiblingCount Structure: ChildCount (Property) FirstChild (Property) IsLinkedTree (Property) IsTreeRoot (Property) LastChild (Property) NextSibling (Property) ParentTree (Property) PrevSibling (Property) SiblingCount (Property)
ITree (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE ITree EXTENDS ISimpleTree Properties: ChildCount , inherited from ISimpleTree FirstChild , inherited from ISimpleTree IsLinkedTree , inherited from ISimpleTree IsTreeRoot , inherited from ISimpleTree LastChild , inherited from ISimpleTree NextSibling , inherited from ISimpleTree ParentTree , inherited from ISimpleTree PrevSibling , inherited from ISimpleTree SiblingCount , inherited from ISimpleTree Methods: AddChild InsertSibling RemoveTree Structure: AddChild (Method) InsertSibling (Method) RemoveTree (Method)
ITypedTree (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE ITypedTree EXTENDS ISimpleTree Properties: TreeTypeId ChildCount , inherited from ISimpleTree FirstChild , inherited from ISimpleTree IsLinkedTree , inherited from ISimpleTree IsTreeRoot , inherited from ISimpleTree LastChild , inherited from ISimpleTree NextSibling , inherited from ISimpleTree ParentTree , inherited from ISimpleTree PrevSibling , inherited from ISimpleTree SiblingCount , inherited from ISimpleTree Methods: AddChild InsertSibling RemoveTree Structure: AddChild (Method) InsertSibling (Method) RemoveTree (Method) TreeTypeId (Property)