ElemBase.Visu_TypeString xWstring BOOL i [...] FontName STRING iFontHeight INT [...] iMaxLength INT
DisplayContext RTS_IEC_HANDLE iX INT iY INT iWidth INT iHeight INT e
end of element i is [...] AxisValue(i+1) - AddAxisValue(i-1)) / (Element
PrimArc_CreateFromArc (Function) GeoPrimArc_CreateI_Border (Function) GeoPrimArc_CreateI_Center (Function) GeoPrimArc_CreateI
iCode INT iParam INT iBit INT
DisplayContext RTS_IEC_HANDLE iX INT iY INT iWidth INT iHeight INT psz
StructSimpleRectangle iX1 INT iY1 INT iX2 INT iY2 INT
Return <i [...] , beginning at the <i [...] position. <i
instance after the <i [...] position. <i [...] . <iPosition> = 1
Type i32AddressFamily INT i32Type DINT i