Status : WORD ; xRead : BOOL [...] Input xExecute BOOL [...] Abort BOOL TRUE : Action
structure can be used to [...] to Sys [...] only BOOL instead of
structure can be used to [...] to Sys [...] BYTE instead of BOOL
SubRet (Method) JumpToSentence (Method) JumpTo [...] Pointers (Method) Word
OpcUaMapping [STRUCT(iecType := TYPE_BOOL [...] UaType_Boolean), STRUCT(iecType := TYPE_BIT [...] UaType_Byte), STRUCT(iecType := TYPE_WORD
SMC_UnitVectorTo [...] _BLOCK SMC_UnitVectorTo [...] (referring to the old
blocks used to build [...] WString (Method) ReadWord [...] String (Method) WriteWord
_Logical_Axis the need to add a logical axis to the [...] Execute BOOL Starts the
_ADAPTER_INFORMATION : STRUCT Structure to [...] address) wType WORD [...] Flags to characterize
Execute BOOL Rising edge [...] _Template_Edge Output xDone BOOL TRUE [...] _Template_Edge xBusy BOOL TRUE