ArrayDimensions (GVL) ¶ InOut: Scope Name Type Initial Constant MAX_ARRAY_DIMENSION INT 3
ContentFeatureFlags (ENUM) ¶ TYPE ContentFeatureFlags : The feature flags describing the contents of the symbol tables files. This enum corresponds to the runtime subset (lower 16 bit) of the enumeration _3S.CoDeSys.SymbolConfigObject.SymbolConfigContentFeatureFlags which is defined in the SymbolConfigObject interface assembly in the automation platform, and has to be kept in sync with it. The presence of those flags only indicates that the feature has been enabled in the symbol configuration, it does not necessarily indicate that there is actually data of that type within the symbol tables (e. G. a user could just have no configured executables, or no comments, or the filter for attributes rejects everything). Attributes: qualified_only InOut: Name Initial Comment None 16#0 Nothing configured. SupportOPCUA 16#1 Support OPC UA features (flag supported since V3.5.8.30). This is required for IncludeComments, IncludeAttributes, IncludeTypeNodeAttributes and IncludeExecutables. IncludeComments 16#2 Include comments (flag supported since V3.5.9.0). IncludeAttributes 16#4 Include attributes (flag supported since V3.5.9.0). IncludeTypeNodeAttributes 16#8 Also include comments / attributes for type nodes (flag supported since V3.5.9.0). IncludeExecutables 16#10 Inclusion of executable members (flag supported since V3.5.11.0, allows calling of programs, functions, FBs and methods, requires OPC UA support). If this flag is set, the list of available signatures may also include callable. UseEmptyNamespaceByDefault 16#20 This instance was generated by setting an empty namespace as default. OPCUAInformationModel 16#40 This instance represents a OPC UA information model. Additional will available to retrieve all information model relevant data. OPCUAControlBrowsingInIEC 16#80 This instance controles the complete browsing in IEC. No special treatment within OPC UA needed. StringsAsUTF8 16#100 This application uses UTF-8 as default encoding for variables of type STRING. UserManagement 16#200 This instances uses the user management to control access rights to the symbols. CheckInstanceAccessRights 16#400 This instances sets the access rights to struct/fb members to the minimum rights of the access rights of the instance and the access rights of the member.
EnumAttributes (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE EnumAttributes : STRUCT InOut: Name Type nNumOfAttributes WORD pAttributes POINTER TO ARRAY [0..0] OF POINTER TO STRING
EnumValues (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE EnumValues : STRUCT InOut: Name Type pValueName POINTER TO STRING value LWORD
HandleStore (UNION) ¶ TYPE HandleStore : UNION InOut: Name Type handle RTS_IEC_HANDLE dummy ARRAY [0..1] OF DWORD
IIecVarAccess10 (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE IIecVarAccess10 Methods: VarAccGetNamespaceNodeFlags Structure: VarAccGetNamespaceNodeFlags (Method)
IIecVarAccess10.VarAccGetNamespaceNodeFlags (METH) ¶ METHOD VarAccGetNamespaceNodeFlags : NamespaceNodeFlags InOut: Scope Name Type Return VarAccGetNamespaceNodeFlags NamespaceNodeFlags Input pNode IBaseTreeNode pResult POINTER TO UDINT
IIecVarAccess11 (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE IIecVarAccess11 Methods: VarAccExecuteCall VarAccGetEnumMemberAttributeList VarAccGetNumOfTypeAttributes VarAccGetTypeAttributeByIndex Structure: VarAccExecuteCall (Method) VarAccGetEnumMemberAttributeList (Method) VarAccGetNumOfTypeAttributes (Method) VarAccGetTypeAttributeByIndex (Method)
IIecVarAccess11.VarAccExecuteCall (METH) ¶ METHOD VarAccExecuteCall : RTS_IEC_RESULT InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return VarAccExecuteCall RTS_IEC_RESULT Input pNode IBaseTreeNode pVariableInformation POINTER TO VariableInformationStruct pArgumentBuffer POINTER TO BYTE buffer where the struct with the arguments is located. nArgumentBufferSize XWORD size of the argument buffer
IIecVarAccess11.VarAccGetEnumMemberAttributeList (METH) ¶ METHOD VarAccGetEnumMemberAttributeList : POINTER TO EnumAttributes InOut: Scope Name Type Return VarAccGetEnumMemberAttributeList POINTER TO EnumAttributes Input typeDesc ITypeDesc pnNumOfEnumValues POINTER TO INT pResult POINTER TO SysTypes.RTS_IEC_RESULT