Index in the List_Of [...] _Property_References-Property of this BACnet [...] of the reference
InitializeParams (Method) GetListOf [...] Type (Property) List [...] ) List (Property
] OF POINTER TO [...] NodeCount DINT pTypeList [...] ] OF POINTER TO Type
) GetEnumMemberAttributeList [...] EnumValues (Method) GetNumOfTypeAttributes (Method) GetNumOf
of a BACnet-ActionList [...] of the targeted [...] of the targeted
of a BACnet-ActionList [...] of the targeted [...] of the targeted
visualization is a list of [...] ] OF INT A list of [...] visualization in the list of
visualization is a list of [...] ] OF INT A list of [...] visualization in the list of
] OF Dataserver [...] StartOffset UDINT dwListId DWORD
] OF Dataserver [...] StartOffset UDINT dwListId DWORD