DiagnosisInfoAvailable of GetDeviceState was true. InOut [...] to memory sz
DiagnosisInfoAvailable of GetDeviceState was true. InOut [...] to memory sz
DiagnosisInfoAvailable of GetDeviceState was true. InOut [...] to memory sz
DiagnosisInfoAvailable of GetDeviceState was true. InOut [...] to memory sz
DiagnosisInfoAvailable of GetBusState was true. InOut: Scope [...] to memory sz
the shared memory [...] content of the area is [...] ExpectedData . InOut: Scope Name
DiagnosisInfoAvailable of IDevice [...] interpretation of pData is [...] fieldbus driver. InOut
DiagnosisInfoAvailable of IBus [...] interpretation of pData is [...] fieldbus driver. InOut
DiagnosisInfoAvailable of |IDevice [...] interpretation of pData is [...] fieldbus driver. InOut
Ua_BadInternalError 16#80020000 OpcUa_BadOutOfMemory [...] Ua_BadNotWritable 16#803B0000 OpcUa_BadOutOf [...] Ua_BadNotTypeDefinition 16#80C80000 OpcUa_UncertainReferenceOutOf