Type (Property) EventAlgorithmInhibit (Property) EventAlgorithmInhibitRef (Property) Event
BACnet.IEC_BACNET_CALLBACK_TYPE itfEvent IBACnetEventConsumer itfReleaseEvent IBACnetEventConsumer 0
(Property) EventAlgorithmInhibit (Property) EventAlgorithmInhibitRef (Property) Event
Dragged BOOL Methods: HandleMouseEvent prvIsRelevantEvent Structure: HandleMouseEvent
pEvent returns true if the Event [...] Input BOOL Input pEvent
pEvent returns true if the Event [...] Input BOOL Input pEvent
implementing IBACnetEventConsumer (itfEvent) from a [...] unregister from. itfEvent
event handler In [...] StructClientData event VisuStructEvent gesture VisuFbGestureFromEvent
ActiveTime (Property) EventAlgorithmInhibit (Property) EventAlgorithmInhibitRef (Property) Event
Reading (Property) EventAlgorithmInhibit (Property) EventAlgorithmInhibitRef (Property) Event