_3SStorage ¶ External Functions Storage _StorageGetIndexId (Function) _StorageGetTableId (Function) Instances Storage (FunctionBlock) IStorage2 StorageGetIndexId (Method) StorageGetTableId (Method) StorageClear (Method) StorageClose (Method) StorageEncoding (Property) StorageGetMetrics (Method) StorageGetPath (Method) StorageIsReadOnly (Property) StorageLockingState (Property) StorageNumOfTables (Property) StorageOpenFile (Method) StorageReorg (Method) StorageSchemaVersion (Property) StorageUserVersion (Property) StorageVersion (Property) TableOpen (Method) TransactionBegin (Method) UtilityGetCurrentDateAndTime (Method) UtilityRandomness (Method)
External ¶ Functions Storage _StorageGetIndexId (Function) _StorageGetTableId (Function)
Functions ¶ Storage _StorageGetIndexId (Function) _StorageGetTableId (Function)
Storage ¶ _StorageGetIndexId (Function) _StorageGetTableId (Function)
Instances ¶ Storage (FunctionBlock) IStorage2 StorageGetIndexId (Method) StorageGetTableId (Method) StorageClear (Method) StorageClose (Method) StorageEncoding (Property) StorageGetMetrics (Method) StorageGetPath (Method) StorageIsReadOnly (Property) StorageLockingState (Property) StorageNumOfTables (Property) StorageOpenFile (Method) StorageReorg (Method) StorageSchemaVersion (Property) StorageUserVersion (Property) StorageVersion (Property) TableOpen (Method) TransactionBegin (Method) UtilityGetCurrentDateAndTime (Method) UtilityRandomness (Method)
CMRemoveComponent (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION CMRemoveComponent : RTS_IEC_RESULT InOut: Scope Name Type Return CMRemoveComponent RTS_IEC_RESULT Input hComponent RTS_IEC_HANDLE
CMShutDown (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION CMShutDown : RTS_IEC_RESULT InOut: Scope Name Type Return CMShutDown RTS_IEC_RESULT Input dwReason UDINT
CMUtlSafeStrCpy (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION CMUtlSafeStrCpy : RTS_IEC_RESULT InOut: Scope Name Type Return CMUtlSafeStrCpy RTS_IEC_RESULT Input pszDest POINTER TO STRING(255) nDestSize __XINT pszSrc POINTER TO STRING(255)
CMUtlStrICmp (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION CMUtlStrICmp : DINT InOut: Scope Name Type Return CMUtlStrICmp DINT Input pszString1 POINTER TO STRING pszString2 POINTER TO STRING
CMUtlUtf8ToW (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION CMUtlUtf8ToW : RTS_IEC_RESULT InOut: Scope Name Type Return CMUtlUtf8ToW RTS_IEC_RESULT Input pUtf8Str POINTER TO BYTE utf8BufferSize __UXINT pwsz POINTER TO WSTRING wstrLen __UXINT