CMUtlUtf8ToW (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION CMUtlUtf8ToW : RTS_IEC_RESULT InOut: Scope Name Type Return CMUtlUtf8ToW RTS_IEC_RESULT Input pUtf8Str POINTER TO BYTE utf8BufferSize __UXINT pwsz POINTER TO WSTRING wstrLen __UXINT
CMUtlWToUtf8 (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION CMUtlWToUtf8 : RTS_IEC_RESULT InOut: Scope Name Type Return CMUtlWToUtf8 RTS_IEC_RESULT Input pwsz POINTER TO WSTRING wstrLen __UXINT pUtf8Str POINTER TO BYTE utf8BufferSize __UXINT
CMUtlcwstrcpy (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION CMUtlcwstrcpy : RTS_IEC_RESULT InOut: Scope Name Type Return CMUtlcwstrcpy RTS_IEC_RESULT Input pcwszDest POINTER TO RTS_IEC_CWCHAR nDestSize __XINT pcwszSrc POINTER TO RTS_IEC_CWCHAR
CMUtlwstrcpy (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION CMUtlwstrcpy : RTS_IEC_RESULT InOut: Scope Name Type Return CMUtlwstrcpy RTS_IEC_RESULT Input pwszDest POINTER TO WSTRING(255) nDestSize __XINT pwszSrc POINTER TO WSTRING(255)
ComponentID (GVL) ¶ InOut: Scope Name Type Initial Comment Constant CMPID_CmpMgr DWORD 16#1 ComponentID of the component manager, e.g. to specify for EventOpen CMPID_IecCode DWORD 16#1000 ComponentID as a placeholder for all IEC components/applications CMPID_CmpFileTransfer DWORD 16#5E
EventIDs (GVL) ¶ InOut: Scope Name Type Initial Comment Constant EVTPARAMID_CmpMgr_Shutdown WORD 16#1 IDs for the event parameter structures EVTVERSION_CmpMgr_Shutdown WORD 16#1 EVTPARAMID_CmpMgr_DisableOperation WORD 16#2 EVTVERSION_CmpMgr_DisableOperation WORD 16#1 EVTPARAMID_CmpMgr_PrepareExitCommProcessing WORD 16#3 EVTVERSION_CmpMgr_PrepareExitCommProcessing WORD 16#1 EVTPARAMID_CmpMgr_LicenseRequest WORD 16#4 EVTVERSION_CmpMgr_LicenseRequest WORD 16#1 EVT_CmpMgr_PrepareShutdown DWORD 16#10001 <category>Events</category> <description>Event is sent right before shutdown of the runtime system</description> <param name=”pEventParam” TYPE=”IN”>EVTPARAM_CmpMgr_Shutdown</param> EVT_CmpMgr_PrepareExitComm DWORD 16#10002 <category>Events</category> <description>Event is sent before exit the communication servers during shutdown</description> <param name=”pEventParam” TYPE=”IN”>EVTPARAM_CmpMgr_Shutdown</param> EVT_CmpMgr_PrepareExitTasks DWORD 16#10003 <category>Events</category> <description>Event is sent before exit all tasks during shutdown</description> <param name=”pEventParam” TYPE=”IN”>EVTPARAM_CmpMgr_Shutdown</param> EVT_CmpMgr_DisableOperation DWORD 16#10006 <category>Events</category> <description>Event is sent TO disable operations. Each operation is defined in the corresponding Itf.h file OF the component, which is specified BY its ComponentID</description> <param name=”pEventParam” TYPE=”IN”>EVTPARAM_CmpMgr_DisableOperation</param> EVT_CmpMgr_PrepareExitCommProcessing DWORD 16#10007 <category>Events</category> <description>Event is sent after <see>EVT_CmpMgr_PrepareExitComm</see> and can be used if comm cycles are necessary to perform some kind of shutdown operation. The event may be called several times if one of the callees requests further calls. This can happen if the shutdown operation takes some time.</description> <param name=”pEventParam” TYPE=”IN”>EVTPARAM_CmpMgr_Shutdown</param> EVT_CmpMgr_LicenseRequest DWORD 16#10008 <category>Events</category> <description>Event to get informed when a license was requrested. Only for informational use. No result of the event will be evaulated.</description> <param name=”pEventParam” type=”IN”>EVTPARAM_CmpMgr_LicenseRequest</param>
EventParameter ¶ EVTPARAM_CmpMgr_DisableOperation (Struct) EVTPARAM_CmpMgr_LicenseRequest (Struct) EVTPARAM_CmpMgr_PrepareExitCommProcessing (Struct) EVTPARAM_CmpMgr_Shutdown (Struct)
EVTPARAM_CmpMgr_DisableOperation (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE EVTPARAM_CmpMgr_DisableOperation : STRUCT <category>Event parameter</category> <element name=”udiCmpId” type=”IN”>ComponentID</element> <element name=”udiOperation” type=”IN”>Operation that can be disabled. See category “Operations” in Itf.h file of the corresponding component for details.</element> <element name=”udiCmpIdDisabled” type=”IN”>ComponentID of the source, which disabled the operation</element> <element name=”bDisable” type=”IN”>Must be set to 1 to disable the operation, else: do nothing and remain the value as it is!</element> InOut: Name Type udiCmpId UDINT udiOperation UDINT udiCmpIdDisabled UDINT bDisable DINT
EVTPARAM_CmpMgr_LicenseRequest (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE EVTPARAM_CmpMgr_LicenseRequest : STRUCT InOut: Name Type ulLicenseID UDINT ulLicenseValue UDINT
EVTPARAM_CmpMgr_PrepareExitCommProcessing (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE EVTPARAM_CmpMgr_PrepareExitCommProcessing : STRUCT <category>Event parameter</category> <element name=”bLastCall” type=”IN”>This value will be TRUE for the last call of this event, otherwise FALSE.</element> <element name=”bFurtherCallNecessary” type=”OUT”>Callees of the event can set this value to <c>TRUE</c> if they expect a further call of the same event with inbetween comm cycle calls. It is not expected that a callee sets this value to <c>FALSE</c>!</element> InOut: Name Type bLastCall DINT bFurtherCallNecessary DINT