Name Type Inout err [...] Elem Input t LREAL Inout v
Type Inout Const lim [...] fV1_in LREAL ramp [...] fDuration LREAL
Out: Scope Name Type [...] _VECTOR3D Input dLambda LREAL
Out: Scope Name Type Inout [...] 3M.SMC_Frame Input t LREAL
Type Comment Return [...] BusTaskInterval LREAL The bus task [...] PlanningInterval LREAL The planning
_Vec_Angle : LREAL Computes the [...] Name Type Inout [...] _Vec_Angle LREAL
Out: Scope Name Type Inout [...] _CacheSlot Input x LREAL Inout
Out: Scope Name Type [...] _Frame Output dDistCart LREAL [...] DistOrientation LREAL The absolute
Out: Scope Name Type [...] Elem Input xCutPoint LREAL
Out: Scope Name Type [...] Fun Input xCutPoint LREAL