result. InOut: Scope [...] time periods the [...] averaged in ( \(1 \leq
DataItemType : InOut: Name Iec [...] _Wstring Iec_Time Iec_Date Iec_DateAndTime Iec_Time
next sample. In [...] .TimerHires The time budget for [...] _TargetInterval plTime PlannerTime
. InOut: Name Type [...] OnPosition LREAL If moving in [...] OnPosition which results in an
time: UTC time in [...] . In case of [...] right now. In
commanding a time-position [...] commanded in the same [...] employed. Example Time
Types.RTS_IEC_RESULT Input iTimeOut INT Time out in micro [...] SockSelect. InOut: Scope Name
, starting at a given time [...] with a time stamp [...] copied. If the time
, starting at a given time [...] with a time stamp [...] copied. If the time
_only InOut: Name [...] -specific error TIME_OUT 6101 = Time limit