Library Reference ¶ This is a dictionary of all referenced libraries and their name spaces. 3SLicense ¶ Library Identification ¶ Placeholder: 3SLicense Default Resolution: 3SLicense, * (3S - Smart Software Solutions GmbH) Namespace: _3S_LICENSE Library Properties ¶ LinkAllContent: False Optional: False QualifiedOnly: False SystemLibrary: False Key: 3SLicense Base Interfaces ¶ Library Identification ¶ Name: Base Interfaces Version: newest Company: System Namespace: IBaseLibrary Library Properties ¶ LinkAllContent: False Optional: False QualifiedOnly: False SystemLibrary: False Key: Base Interfaces, * (System) CAA Callback Extern ¶ Library Identification ¶ Placeholder: CAA Callback Default Resolution: CAA Callback Extern, * (CAA Technical Workgroup) Namespace: CB Library Properties ¶ LinkAllContent: False Optional: False QualifiedOnly: True SystemLibrary: False Key: CAA Callback CAA Can Low Level Extern ¶ Library Identification ¶ Placeholder: CAA CanL2 Default Resolution: CAA Can Low Level Extern, * (CAA Technical Workgroup) Namespace: CL2 Library Properties ¶ LinkAllContent: False Optional: False QualifiedOnly: True SystemLibrary: False Key: CAA CanL2 CAA Can Low Level Imp Extern ¶ Library Identification ¶ Placeholder: CAA CanL2I Default Resolution: CAA Can Low Level Imp Extern, * (CAA Technical Workgroup) Namespace: CL2I Library Properties ¶ LinkAllContent: False Optional: False QualifiedOnly: True SystemLibrary: False Key: CAA CanL2I CAA Device Diagnosis ¶ Library Identification ¶ Placeholder: CAA Device Diagnosis Default Resolution: CAA Device Diagnosis, * (CAA Technical Workgroup) Namespace: DED Library Properties ¶ LinkAllContent: False Optional: False QualifiedOnly: True SystemLibrary: False Key: CAA Device Diagnosis CAA Memory Block Manager Extern ¶ Library Identification ¶ Placeholder: CAA MemBlockMan Default Resolution: CAA Memory Block Manager Extern, * (CAA Technical Workgroup) Namespace: MBM Library Properties ¶ LinkAllContent: False Optional: False QualifiedOnly: True SystemLibrary: False Key: CAA MemBlockMan CAA Types Extern ¶ Library Identification ¶ Placeholder: CAA Types Default Resolution: CAA Types Extern, * (CAA Technical Workgroup) Namespace: CAA Library Properties ¶ LinkAllContent: False Optional: False QualifiedOnly: True SystemLibrary: False Key: CAA Types CANbusDevice ¶ Library Identification ¶ Placeholder: CANbusDevice Default Resolution: CANbusDevice, * (3S - Smart Software Solutions GmbH) Namespace: CANbusDevice Library Properties ¶ LinkAllContent: False Optional: False QualifiedOnly: True SystemLibrary: False Key: CANbusDevice CmpAsyncMgr ¶ Library Identification ¶ Placeholder: CmpAsyncMgr Default Resolution: CmpAsyncMgr, * (System) Namespace: CmpAsyncMgr Library Properties ¶ LinkAllContent: False Optional: False QualifiedOnly: False SystemLibrary: False Key: CmpAsyncMgr CmpErrors2 Interfaces ¶ Library Identification ¶ Name: CmpErrors2 Interfaces Version: newest Company: System Namespace: CmpErrors Library Properties ¶ LinkAllContent: False Optional: False QualifiedOnly: False SystemLibrary: False Key: CmpErrors2 Interfaces, * (System) CmpIecTask ¶ Library Identification ¶ Placeholder: CmpIecTask Default Resolution: CmpIecTask, * (System) Namespace: CmpIecTask Library Properties ¶ LinkAllContent: False Optional: False QualifiedOnly: False SystemLibrary: False Key: CmpIecTask CmpLog ¶ Library Identification ¶ Placeholder: CmpLog Default Resolution: CmpLog, * (System) Namespace: CmpLog Library Properties ¶ LinkAllContent: False Optional: False QualifiedOnly: False SystemLibrary: False Key: CmpLog Component Manager ¶ Library Identification ¶ Placeholder: Component Manager Default Resolution: Component Manager, * (System) Namespace: Component_Manager Library Properties ¶ LinkAllContent: False Optional: False QualifiedOnly: False SystemLibrary: False Key: Component Manager IoDriver Interfaces ¶ Library Identification ¶ Name: IoDriver Interfaces Version: newest Company: System Namespace: IoDriver_Interfaces Library Properties ¶ LinkAllContent: False Optional: False QualifiedOnly: False SystemLibrary: False Key: IoDriver Interfaces, * (System) IoDriver Parameter Interfaces ¶ Library Identification ¶ Name: IoDriver Parameter Interfaces Version: newest Company: System Namespace: IIoDrvParameter Library Properties ¶ LinkAllContent: False Optional: False QualifiedOnly: False SystemLibrary: False Key: IoDriver Parameter Interfaces, * (System) IoDrvBase ¶ Library Identification ¶ Placeholder: IoDrvBase Default Resolution: IoDrvBase, * (System) Namespace: IoDrvBase Library Properties ¶ LinkAllContent: False Optional: False QualifiedOnly: False SystemLibrary: False Key: IoDrvBase IoDrvUtility ¶ Library Identification ¶ Placeholder: IoDriver Utility Default Resolution: IoDrvUtility, * (3S - Smart Software Solutions GmbH) Namespace: IoDrvUtility Library Properties ¶ LinkAllContent: False Optional: False QualifiedOnly: True SystemLibrary: False Key: IoDriver Utility IoStandard ¶ Library Identification ¶ Placeholder: IoStandard Default Resolution: IoStandard, * (System) Namespace: IoStandard Library Properties ¶ LinkAllContent: False Optional: False QualifiedOnly: False SystemLibrary: False Key: IoStandard SDO Server ¶ Library Identification ¶ Placeholder: SDO Server Default Resolution: SDO Server, * (3S - Smart Software Solutions GmbH) Namespace: CSS Library Properties ¶ LinkAllContent: False Optional: False QualifiedOnly: False SystemLibrary: False Key: SDO Server Standard ¶ Library Identification ¶ Placeholder: Standard Default Resolution: Standard, * (System) Namespace: Standard Library Properties ¶ LinkAllContent: False Optional: False QualifiedOnly: False SystemLibrary: False Key: Standard StringUtils ¶ Library Identification ¶ Placeholder: StringUtils Default Resolution: StringUtils, * (System) Namespace: Stu Library Properties ¶ LinkAllContent: False Optional: False QualifiedOnly: False SystemLibrary: False Key: StringUtils SysCpuHandling ¶ Library Identification ¶ Placeholder: SysCpuHandling Default Resolution: SysCpuHandling, * (System) Namespace: SysCpuHandling Library Properties ¶ LinkAllContent: False Optional: False QualifiedOnly: False SystemLibrary: False Key: SysCpuHandling SysMem ¶ Library Identification ¶ Placeholder: SysMem Default Resolution: SysMem, * (System) Namespace: SysMem Library Properties ¶ LinkAllContent: False Optional: False QualifiedOnly: False SystemLibrary: False Key: SysMem SysTarget ¶ Library Identification ¶ Placeholder: SysTarget Default Resolution: SysTarget, * (System) Namespace: SysTarget Library Properties ¶ LinkAllContent: False Optional: False QualifiedOnly: False SystemLibrary: False Key: SysTarget SysTimeCore ¶ Library Identification ¶ Placeholder: SysTimeCore Default Resolution: SysTimeCore, * (System) Namespace: SysTimeCore Library Properties ¶ LinkAllContent: False Optional: False QualifiedOnly: False SystemLibrary: False Key: SysTimeCore SysTypes2 Interfaces ¶ Library Identification ¶ Name: SysTypes2 Interfaces Version: newest Company: System Namespace: SysTypes Library Properties ¶ LinkAllContent: False Optional: False QualifiedOnly: False SystemLibrary: False Key: SysTypes2 Interfaces, * (System)
IObjectDictionary.RegisterCallback (METH) ¶ METHOD RegisterCallback : BOOL Registers a callback to control object changes and get changed events. Returns TRUE if callback was successfully registered. Note Maximal number of registered IODCallback instances is defined by library parameter ConfigurationParams.gc_udiMaxODCallbacks . InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return RegisterCallback BOOL TRUE if callback was successfully registered. Input itfODCallback IODCallback object implementing the IODCallback interface which should be registered
IObjectDictionary.UnregisterCallback (METH) ¶ METHOD UnregisterCallback : BOOL Unregister ObjectDictionary callback. Returns TRUE if unregistering was successful. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return UnregisterCallback BOOL TRUE if unregistering was successful. Input itfODCallback IODCallback interface which should be unregistered
IObjectDictionary.RaiseObjectChanged (METH) ¶ METHOD RaiseObjectChanged Used to trigger an object changed event. Must be called if object is modified manually by writing to the object memory. All IODCallback instances (also associated CANopen stack) will be informed. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Input itfObject IODObject Object where object change happened itfSubObject IODSubObject Subobject where value has changed.
IObjectDictionary.RaiseReadObject (METH) ¶ METHOD RaiseReadObject : ABORT_CODE Used to raise a read object event. All IODCallback instances (also associated CANopen stack) will be informed. Returns ABORT_CODE.SUCCESSFUL if reading is permitted else error reason. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return RaiseReadObject ABORT_CODE ABORT_CODE.SUCCESSFUL if reading is permitted; other ABORT_CODE if reading is not permitted Input itfObject IODObject Object which should be read itfSubObject IODSubObject Subobject which should be read.
IObjectDictionary.RaiseWriteObject (METH) ¶ METHOD RaiseWriteObject : ABORT_CODE Used to raise a write object event. All IODCallback instances will be informed. Returns ABORT_CODE.SUCCESSFUL if writing is permitted else error reason. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return RaiseWriteObject ABORT_CODE ABORT_CODE.SUCCESSFUL if writing is permitted; other ABORT_CODE if writing is not permitted Input itfObject IODObject Object which should be written. itfSubObject IODSubObject Subobject which should be written. pbyData POINTER TO BYTE Pointer to data which should be written. Needed for IODCallback handlers to do range checks. udiSize UDINT Size of Bytes to be written
IObjectDictionary.ReadObject (METH) ¶ METHOD ReadObject : ABORT_CODE Used to read an object of the local object dictionary. If ABORT_CODE.SUCCESSFUL is returned pbyData contains the read data. If error occured the corresponding abort code is returned. Difference to IObjectDictionary.ReadObjectByAddress : Better performance because itfObject is an input variable => no internal binary search necessary. InOut: Scope Name Type Initial Comment Return ReadObject ABORT_CODE ABORT_CODE.SUCCESSFUL : Reading successful, pbyData contains data; ELSE: Reading not permitted Input itfObject IODObject Object which should be read. bySubIndex BYTE Subindex of object xCheckAccess BOOL TRUE TRUE : Access rights should be checked. Reading a writeonly object will fail. FALSE : Ignore access rights and force reading. xDataInBusOrder BOOL Specifies in which Byte Order data should be read; TRUE : Data should be read in CANopen Byteorder (Little Endian), FALSE : Data should be read in Host Byte Order pbyData POINTER TO BYTE Pointer to data where the object value should be copied to. Inout udiSize UDINT VAR IN: Size of memory pbyData points to; VAR OUT: Size of object
IObjectDictionary.ReadObjectByAddress (METH) ¶ METHOD ReadObjectByAddress : ABORT_CODE Used to read an object of the local object dictionary. If ABORT_CODE.SUCCESSFUL is returned pbyData contains the read data. If error occured the corresponding abort code is returned. InOut: Scope Name Type Initial Comment Return ReadObjectByAddress ABORT_CODE ABORT_CODE.SUCCESSFUL : Reading successful, pbyData contains data; ELSE: Reading not permitted Input wIndex WORD Index of object which should be read bySubIndex BYTE Subindex of object xCheckAccess BOOL TRUE TRUE : Access rights should be checked. Reading a writeonly object will fail. FALSE : Ignore access rights and force reading xDataInBusOrder BOOL Specifies in which Byte Order data should be read; TRUE : Data should be read in CANopen Byteorder (Little Endian), FALSE : Data should be read in Host Byte Order pbyData POINTER TO BYTE Pointer to data where the object value should be copied to. Inout udiSize UDINT VAR IN: Size of memory pbyData points to; VAR OUT: Size of Object
IObjectDictionary.GetObject (METH) ¶ METHOD GetObject : IODObject Used to get an object with a specific index. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return GetObject IODObject Object with given Index or 0 if no such object Input wIndex WORD Index of object
IObjectDictionary.GetObjectToWrite (METH) ¶ METHOD GetObjectToWrite : ABORT_CODE Used to search for an object and checking general write permission (access rights and data size). Returns ABORT_CODE.SUCCESSFUL if writing is allowed. Only needed if writing permission should be checked without writing immediately to the object. InOut: Scope Name Type Initial Comment Return GetObjectToWrite ABORT_CODE ABORT_CODE.SUCCESSFUL : Object writing permitted; ELSE: Writing not permitted Input wIndex WORD Index of object which should be written bySubIndex BYTE Subindex of object xCheckAccess BOOL TRUE TRUE : Check access rights, FALSE : do not check access rights udiSize UDINT size of data to be written Output itfObject IODObject requested object itfSubObject IODSubObject requested subobject