CANopenDevice.NodeID (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY NodeID : NODEID Returns the current NodeID. Range: 1..127
CANopenDevice.PowerDown (METH) ¶ METHOD PowerDown : BOOL Deactivates the CANopenDevice. This state transition is possible in all states. The device can be activated again by calling CANopenDevice.PowerUp . Note PowerDown and CANopenDevice.PowerUp can result in higher bus cycle times because ObjectDictionary must be reintialized. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return PowerDown BOOL TRUE if state transition was possible
CANopenDevice.PowerUp (METH) ¶ METHOD PowerUp : BOOL Only possible in CANOPEN_STATE.POWERDOWN . Boots the slave. A NMT bootup message is sent if slave enters CANOPEN_STATE.PREOPERATIONAL state again. Note CANopenDevice.PowerDown and PowerUp can result in higher bus cycle times because ObjectDictionary must be reintialized. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return PowerUp BOOL TRUE if state transition was possible
CANopenDevice.Reset (METH) ¶ METHOD Reset : BOOL Complete reset of the slave. All objects will be set back to default values. A NMT bootup message is sended if slave enters CANOPEN_STATE.PREOPERATIONAL again. Note A reset can result in higher bus cycle times because ObjectDictionary must be intialized agaín. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return Reset BOOL TRUE if state transition was possible
CANopenDevice.ResetCommunication (METH) ¶ METHOD ResetCommunication : BOOL Reset communication of the slave. As defined by CiA-301 only communication objects (Index <16#2000) will be set back to default values. A NMT bootup message is sended if slave enters CANOPEN_STATE.PREOPERATIONAL again. Note A reset can result in higher bus cycle times because ObjectDictionary must be intialized agaín. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return ResetCommunication BOOL TRUE if state transition was possible
CANopenDevice.SetNodeID (METH) ¶ METHOD SetNodeID : ERROR Method to set the NodeID of the CANopen Slave. If called in first cycle of the buscycle task NodeID will be changed before the CANopen Slave state machine starts. Else, a call to this method will reboot the slave with the new NodeID. Calling this method will lead to higher bus cycle times because Object Dictionary must be initialized. InOut: Scope Name Type Initial Comment Input usiNodeID NODEID new NodeID (1..127) Return SetNodeID ERROR ERROR.NO_ERROR TRUE : NodeID was set successful.
CANopenDevice.State (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY State : CANOPEN_STATE Returns the current CANOPEN_STATE .
CANopenDevice.SwitchToOp (METH) ¶ METHOD SwitchToOp : BOOL Switches the slave to CANOPEN_STATE.OPERATIONAL . As defined by CiA-301 following services will be performed in this state: PDO (I/Os) SDO SYNC TIME EMCY NMT State transition is only possible in CANOPEN_STATE.PREOPERATIONAL or CANOPEN_STATE.STOPPED state. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return SwitchToOp BOOL TRUE if state transition was possible
CANopenDevice.SwitchToPreop (METH) ¶ METHOD SwitchToPreop : BOOL Switches the slave to CANOPEN_STATE.PREOPERATIONAL . As defined by CiA-301 following services will be performed in this state: SDO SYNC TIME EMCY NMT State transition is only possible in CANOPEN_STATE.STOPPED or CANOPEN_STATE.OPERATIONAL . InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return SwitchToPreop BOOL TRUE if state transition was possible