SysTaskExit3x (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION SysTaskExit3x : UDINT InOut: Scope Name Type Return SysTaskExit3x UDINT Input hTask UDINT ulTimeoutMs UDINT
SysTaskGenerateException3x (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION SysTaskGenerateException3x : UDINT InOut: Scope Name Type Return SysTaskGenerateException3x UDINT Input ulTaskOSHandle UDINT ulException UDINT tContext RegContext
SysTaskGetContext3x (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION SysTaskGetContext3x : UDINT InOut: Scope Name Type Return SysTaskGetContext3x UDINT Input hTask UDINT pContext POINTER TO RegContext
MouseEvent (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE MouseEvent : STRUCT InOut: Name Type Comment dwCounter DWORD This value contains the number of such events that happened until now. Overflows are possible the event number! nXPos INT The horizontal position of the currently active event nYPos INT The vertical position of the currently active event
Data types ¶ MouseEvent (Struct)
POUs ¶ GetLastMouseDownEvent (Function) GetLastMouseMoveEvent (Function) GetLastMouseUpEvent (Function) GetText (Function) GetTextByStringId (Function) Internal LocalStrlen (Function) LocalStrnCpy (Function)
GetLastMouseMoveEvent (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION GetLastMouseMoveEvent : BOOL Fills a structure with information about the last mouse move event. If there are several simultaneous visualization clients active, then events from all clients might be returned. Return value will be TRUE when the structure was filled or FALSE otherwise. Please Remark: Using this method for retrieving mouse events might not work together using the mechansim of IVisuUserEventManager InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return GetLastMouseMoveEvent BOOL Input pMouseEvent POINTER TO MOUSEEVENT The structure that has to be filled with data.
GetLastMouseDownEvent (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION GetLastMouseDownEvent : BOOL Fills a structure with information about the last mouse down event. If there are several simultaneous visualization clients active, then events from all clients might be returned. Return value will be TRUE when the structure was filled or FALSE otherwise. Please Remark: Using this method for retrieving mouse events might not work together using the mechansim of IVisuUserEventManager InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return GetLastMouseDownEvent BOOL Input pMouseEvent POINTER TO MOUSEEVENT The structure that has to be filled with data.
GetLastMouseUpEvent (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION GetLastMouseUpEvent : BOOL Fills a structure with information about the last mouse up event. If there are several simultaneous visualization clients active, then events from all clients might be returned. Return value will be TRUE when the structure was filled or FALSE otherwise. Please Remark: Using this method for retrieving mouse events might not work together using the mechansim of IVisuUserEventManager InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return GetLastMouseUpEvent BOOL Input pMouseEvent POINTER TO MOUSEEVENT The structure that has to be filled with data.
GetText (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION GetText : BOOL Returns a text from a textlist object InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return GetText BOOL Inout stResult STRING(512) The resulting string, will be filled with the value from the text list. If the referenced text is not found, an empty string will be returned. Input nResultLength INT The size of the string passed for stResult. This was only relevant in 2.3 so this value is ignored here! stPrefix STRING The text list name to look at dwID DWORD The id of the text that has to be searched