time to the utc time [...] CurrentUtcOffset : INT Determines the [...] CurrentUtcOffset INT
_REAL8 (Function) INT64_TO_TIME [...] (Function) TIME_TO_INT [...] Blob (Function) ISO8601 DT_TO_INT
Types.RTS_IEC_RESULT Input iTimeOut INT Time out in micro seconds, set to 0 to
timestamp to support the [...] to format iOffset INT UTC offset (-1
Ua_ResponseHeader LastCounterResetTime OpcUa_DateTime NoOfServers OpcUa_Int32 Servers
Ua_UInt32 PublishTime OpcUa_DateTime [...] OfNotificationData OpcUa_Int32 NotificationData POINTER TO
to set the initial [...] name iCmdRep INT How many time a command
Type Ticket to use s [...] Frames INT Frames pFrames POINTER TO ARRAY [0..3
Ua_String InvocationCreationTime OpcUa_DateTime LastTransitionTime OpcUa_DateTime Last
IEC61850_AT_VisSTRING64 nTimeAllowedToLive tyIEC61850_AT_INT [...] IEC61850_AT_VisSTRING64 t tyIEC61850_AT_Time