FileGetPosAsync InOut: Scope Name [...] ErrorId WORD dwPos DWORD
FileGetSizeAsync InOut: Scope Name [...] Error BOOL wErrorId WORD
FileSetPosAsync InOut: Scope Name [...] Error BOOL wErrorId WORD
_only InOut: Scope Name [...] _HEADER_VERSION WORD 16#100 LOG
_ChannelInfo InOut: Scope Name [...] ChannelHandle WORD
AttributeByIndex_internal : POINTER TO STRING In [...] wIndex WORD
TypeNode_internal : REFERENCE TO TypeDesc In [...] Information options WORD
) ¶ InOut: Scope Name [...] EVTPARAMID_CmpIoMgr WORD [...] EVTVERSION_CmpIoMgr WORD
character. InOut: Scope [...] POINTER TO WORD i
(system-char ) In [...] Character WORD