servicereader! udiReaderBufferSize UDINT the size of the [...] case of null
located. nArgumentBufferSize __XWORD size of the
allocation Return value of [...] BYTE Input uxiSize __UXINT Size to
>Reads the number of [...] receive buffer of the [...] number of bytes are
size. This can be [...] the block size and the number of
0…(to size of [...] Sets the value of [...] of variable X to B
udiIoShmSize UDINT Size of the Io Shm [...] NumModules WORD number of
data ulSize __XWORD Number of bytes to [...] the buffer size! p
DataPtrChanged abstrSizeOf [...] DataPtrChanged (Method) abstrSizeOf
Member Set_internal BrowseOutOf [...] Name_internal GetNativeSize [...] Desc GetNativeSize