Type b BOOL byt BYTE w WORD dw DWORD
Channel USINT 1 wIDN WORD byElem BYTE udi [...] .SIZE 0 byDrive BYTE
Channel USINT 1 wIDN WORD byElem BYTE udi [...] Drive BYTE Output x
_CmpChS_ChannelClosed WORD 16#1 EVTVERSION_CmpChS_ChannelClosed WORD 16#1 EVTPARAMID_CmpChS_ChannelOpened WORD 16#2 EVTVERSION
NextConditional MoveUp ReadByte Read [...] WString ReadWord prv [...] ) ReadByte (Method
pbValue POINTER TO BYTE The new value [...] Area WORD The area of the
Type=BYTE | Stop bits [...] Type=BYTE | Parity [...] serial buffer size udiByte
VendorId WORD usDeviceId WORD usCardIndex WORD pPciInfo POINTER TO PCI_INFO
Input wStatusWord WORD b [...] reset to FALSE
StatusInfo (Method) Util ByteBuffer (FunctionBlock) BytesTo [...] ) Freeze (Method) GetByte