SOCK_ADAPTER_INFORMATION2 (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE SOCK_ADAPTER_INFORMATION2 : STRUCT Structure to describe a network adapter on SysSocket level, including name server and DHCP server information InOut: Name Type Comment udiStructSize UDINT Size of the structure SOCK_ADAPTER_INFORMATION returned from external implementation udiVersion UDINT Version number of the structure udiIndex UDINT Index number of this adapter. Value is constant until shutdown udiReserved UDINT Reserved for internal use wsName WSTRING(ADAPTER_INFO_NAME_LEN) Name of the network interface wsDescription WSTRING(ADAPTER_INFO_DESC_LEN) Description text for the network interface; may be empty abyMac ARRAY [0..(ADAPTER_INFO_MAC_ADDR_LENGTH - 1)] OF BYTE MAC ID (hardware address) wType WORD Adapter type, see “Adapter types” contants SOCK_AIT_xxx in GVL dwFlags DWORD Flags to characterize the adapter, see “Adapter information flags” constants SOCK_AIF_xxx in GVL IpAddr INADDR IP address in network byte order NetMask INADDR Subnet mask in network byte order DefaultGateway INADDR IP address of default gateway in network byte order; only valid if SOCK_AIF_GATEWAY_INFO_VALID is set in dwFlags in GVL PrimaryNameServer INADDR Primary Name Server. Value of indicates no name server has been configured. SecondaryNameServer INADDR Secondary Name Server. Value of indicates no secondary name server has been configured. wsDNSSuffix WSTRING(ADAPTER_INFO_DNSSUFFIX_LEN) Default domain name. DHCPServer INADDR IP address of DHCP server; only valid if SOCK_AIF_DHCP_INFO_VALID is set in dwFlags in GVL
SOCK_ADAPTER_INFORMATION3 (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE SOCK_ADAPTER_INFORMATION3 : STRUCT Structure to describe a network adapter on SysSocket level, including OS index of adapter InOut: Name Type Comment udiStructSize UDINT Size of the structure SOCK_ADAPTER_INFORMATION returned from external implementation udiVersion UDINT Version number of the structure udiIndex UDINT Index number of this adapter. Value is constant until shutdown udiReserved UDINT Reserved for internal use wsName WSTRING(ADAPTER_INFO_NAME_LEN) Name of the network interface wsDescription WSTRING(ADAPTER_INFO_DESC_LEN) Description text for the network interface; may be empty abyMac ARRAY [0..(ADAPTER_INFO_MAC_ADDR_LENGTH - 1)] OF BYTE MAC ID (hardware address) wType WORD Adapter type, see “Adapter types” constants SOCK_AIT_xxx in GVL dwFlags DWORD Flags to characterize the adapter, see “Adapter information flags” constants SOCK_AIF_xxx in GVL IpAddr INADDR IP address in network byte order NetMask INADDR Subnet mask in network byte order DefaultGateway INADDR IP address of default gateway in network byte order; only valid if SOCK_AIF_GATEWAY_INFO_VALID is set in dwFlags in GVL PrimaryNameServer INADDR Primary Name Server. Value of indicates no name server has been configured. SecondaryNameServer INADDR Secondary Name Server. Value of indicates no secondary name server has been configured. wsDNSSuffix WSTRING(ADAPTER_INFO_DNSSUFFIX_LEN) Default domain name. DHCPServer INADDR IP address of DHCP server; only valid if SOCK_AIF_DHCP_INFO_VALID is set in dwFlags in GVL udiOSIndex UDINT Operating system 1-based index number of this adapter. Value is constant until shutdown. Value is 0 if not supported by OS.
SOCK_RECVMSG_MSG (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE SOCK_RECVMSG_MSG : STRUCT The SysSockRecvMsg() call uses a SOCK_RECVMSG_MSG structure to minimize the number of directly supplied arguments. InOut: Name Type Comment pBuffer POINTER TO BYTE OUT: Points to a buffer where the message should be stored. length __XWORD IN: Specifies the length in bytes of the buffer pointed to by the pBuffer argument. address SOCKADDRESS OUT: Sending address (AKA source address). msgFlags DWORD OUT: A 32-bit value to store the flags of the incoming message. msgFlagsSupported DWORD OUT: A 32-bit value to store which message flags for the pMsgFlags argument are supported by the implementation of the runtime system. See category “Message flags”.
SOCK_HOSTENT (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE SOCK_HOSTENT : STRUCT This structure contains information on the host. InOut: Name Type Comment szHostname REFERENCE TO STRING Official name of host (network name) pAliasList POINTER TO POINTER TO STRING Pointer to list of aliases iHostAddrType INT Address type of host iLengthAddr INT Size of host address pAddrList POINTER TO POINTER TO STRING Pointer to address list
UDINT_IN_BYTES (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE UDINT_IN_BYTES : STRUCT This structure contains the IP address in dotted decimal notation. Example: The IP address 10000010 01011110 01111010 11000011 will be translated to in dotted decimal notation. Each of the 4 number blocks builds an entry of the structure UDINT_IN_BYTES. InOut: Name Type Comment s_b1 BYTE First decimal block, in the example 130 s_b2 BYTE Second decimal block, in the example 094 s_b3 BYTE Third decimal block, in the example 122 s_b4 BYTE Fourth decimal block, in the example 195
UDINT_IN_WORDS (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE UDINT_IN_WORDS : STRUCT This structure contains the IP address for a word-by-word access. Example: The IP address 10000010 01011110 01111010 11000011 for word-by-word access is 33374.31427. Each of the both number blocks builds an entry of the structure UDINT_IN_WORDS. InOut: Name Type Comment s_w1 WORD First decimal block, in the example 33374 s_w2 WORD Second decimal block, in the example 31427
tSysSockShutdown (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE tSysSockShutdown : STRUCT InOut: Name Type Comment diHow DINT pulOut POINTER TO RTS_IEC_RESULT Result
SysSockAsyncFB (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK SysSockAsyncFB EXTENDS AsyncBaseClass Methods: SysSockAcceptAsync SysSockBindAsync SysSockCloseAsync SysSockCloseUdpAsync SysSockConnectAsync SysSockCreateAsync SysSockCreateUdpAsync SysSockGetHostByNameAsync SysSockGetHostnameAsync SysSockGetOptionAsync SysSockGetOsHandleAsync SysSockGetRecvSizeUdpAsync SysSockGetSubnetMaskAsync SysSockHtonlAsync SysSockHtonsAsync SysSockInetAddrAsync SysSockInetNtoaAsync SysSockIoctlAsync SysSockListenAsync SysSockNtohlAsync SysSockNtohsAsync SysSockPingAsync SysSockRecvAsync SysSockRecvFromAsync SysSockRecvFromUdpAsync SysSockSelectAsync SysSockSendAsync SysSockSendToAsync SysSockSendToUdpAsync SysSockSetIpAddressAsync SysSockSetOptionAsync SysSockSetSubnetMaskAsync SysSockShutdownAsync SysSockAcceptAsyncWrapper SysSockBindAsyncWrapper SysSockCloseAsyncWrapper SysSockCloseUdpAsyncWrapper SysSockConnectAsyncWrapper SysSockCreateAsyncWrapper SysSockCreateUdpAsyncWrapper SysSockGetHostByNameAsyncWrapper SysSockGetHostnameAsyncWrapper SysSockGetOptionAsyncWrapper SysSockGetOsHandleAsyncWrapper SysSockGetRecvSizeUdpAsyncWrapper SysSockGetSubnetMaskAsyncWrapper SysSockHtonlAsyncWrapper SysSockHtonsAsyncWrapper SysSockInetAddrAsyncWrapper SysSockInetNtoaAsyncWrapper SysSockIoctlAsyncWrapper SysSockListenAsyncWrapper SysSockNtohlAsyncWrapper SysSockNtohsAsyncWrapper SysSockPingAsyncWrapper SysSockRecvAsyncWrapper SysSockRecvFromAsyncWrapper SysSockRecvFromUdpAsyncWrapper SysSockSelectAsyncWrapper SysSockSendAsyncWrapper SysSockSendToAsyncWrapper SysSockSendToUdpAsyncWrapper SysSockSetIpAddressAsyncWrapper SysSockSetOptionAsyncWrapper SysSockSetSubnetMaskAsyncWrapper SysSockShutdownAsyncWrapper Structure: SysSockAcceptAsync (Method) SysSockBindAsync (Method) SysSockCloseAsync (Method) SysSockCloseUdpAsync (Method) SysSockConnectAsync (Method) SysSockCreateAsync (Method) SysSockCreateUdpAsync (Method) SysSockGetHostByNameAsync (Method) SysSockGetHostnameAsync (Method) SysSockGetOptionAsync (Method) SysSockGetOsHandleAsync (Method) SysSockGetRecvSizeUdpAsync (Method) SysSockGetSubnetMaskAsync (Method) SysSockHtonlAsync (Method) SysSockHtonsAsync (Method) SysSockInetAddrAsync (Method) SysSockInetNtoaAsync (Method) SysSockIoctlAsync (Method) SysSockListenAsync (Method) SysSockNtohlAsync (Method) SysSockNtohsAsync (Method) SysSockPingAsync (Method) SysSockRecvAsync (Method) SysSockRecvFromAsync (Method) SysSockRecvFromUdpAsync (Method) SysSockSelectAsync (Method) SysSockSendAsync (Method) SysSockSendToAsync (Method) SysSockSendToUdpAsync (Method) SysSockSetIpAddressAsync (Method) SysSockSetOptionAsync (Method) SysSockSetSubnetMaskAsync (Method) SysSockShutdownAsync (Method) Wrapper SysSockAcceptAsyncWrapper (Method) SysSockBindAsyncWrapper (Method) SysSockCloseAsyncWrapper (Method) SysSockCloseUdpAsyncWrapper (Method) SysSockConnectAsyncWrapper (Method) SysSockCreateAsyncWrapper (Method) SysSockCreateUdpAsyncWrapper (Method) SysSockGetHostByNameAsyncWrapper (Method) SysSockGetHostnameAsyncWrapper (Method) SysSockGetOptionAsyncWrapper (Method) SysSockGetOsHandleAsyncWrapper (Method) SysSockGetRecvSizeUdpAsyncWrapper (Method) SysSockGetSubnetMaskAsyncWrapper (Method) SysSockHtonlAsyncWrapper (Method) SysSockHtonsAsyncWrapper (Method) SysSockInetAddrAsyncWrapper (Method) SysSockInetNtoaAsyncWrapper (Method) SysSockIoctlAsyncWrapper (Method) SysSockListenAsyncWrapper (Method) SysSockNtohlAsyncWrapper (Method) SysSockNtohsAsyncWrapper (Method) SysSockPingAsyncWrapper (Method) SysSockRecvAsyncWrapper (Method) SysSockRecvFromAsyncWrapper (Method) SysSockRecvFromUdpAsyncWrapper (Method) SysSockSelectAsyncWrapper (Method) SysSockSendAsyncWrapper (Method) SysSockSendToAsyncWrapper (Method) SysSockSendToUdpAsyncWrapper (Method) SysSockSetIpAddressAsyncWrapper (Method) SysSockSetOptionAsyncWrapper (Method) SysSockSetSubnetMaskAsyncWrapper (Method) SysSockShutdownAsyncWrapper (Method)
SysSockAsyncFB.SysSockAcceptAsync (METH) ¶ METHOD SysSockAcceptAsync : RTS_IEC_HANDLE For details, see node “Documentation” InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return SysSockAcceptAsync RTS_IEC_HANDLE Input pParam POINTER TO tSysSockAccept pudState POINTER TO UDINT pResult POINTER TO RTS_IEC_RESULT Result of Jobadd
SysSockAsyncFB.SysSockBindAsync (METH) ¶ METHOD SysSockBindAsync : RTS_IEC_HANDLE For details, see node “Documentation” InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return SysSockBindAsync RTS_IEC_HANDLE Input pParam POINTER TO tSysSockBind pudState POINTER TO UDINT pResult POINTER TO RTS_IEC_RESULT Result of Jobadd