_DATAPOINTER 6004 Data pointer [...] _RECEIVE_ERROR 6006 Not able to [...] Not able to send a
Connection . Instead of a pointer to [...] _WriteBuffer EXTENDS CBM.ETrigTo [...] function block serves to
_Send EXTENDS CBM.ETrigTo [...] serves to sent data [...] by pointer p
access to the client [...] allow to access or [...] -Values one has to
Result POINTER TO RTS_IEC_RESULT [...] ExtEventName needs to be [...] memory needs to be
OUTPUTS POINTER TO BYTE [...] data associated to a [...] output data to the
POINTER TO BYTE Pointer [...] only data up to 64 [...] set to CANOPEN
_BACNET_OBJECT_ID A pointer to the [...] completion to indicate [...] _BACNET_HANDLE An handle to an
Dimensions POINTER TO Opc