OptionValue DWORD Address of option diOptionLength DINT Length of
length of the first [...] of the h-function [...] to the middle of
number of [...] copied to the array In [...] DataResult POINTER TO ARRAY [0..0
number of [...] copied to the array In [...] DataResult POINTER TO ARRAY [0..0
array of LREAL values. Assumes that the array [...] array is sorted in
_TO_IPARRAY : ARRAY [0..3] OF BYTE [...] _TO_IPARRAY ARRAY [0..3] OF BYTE [...] array to an udint ip
length of PT on every [...] The length of the [...] Trigger for Start of
of chord length [...] _SMOOTHBSPLINE_CHORDLENGTH Distance of knots proportional to chord length
Offset , udiLength ) of itf [...] udiLength UDINT udiLength
Offset , udiLength ) of itf [...] udiLength UDINT udiLength