specific I/O address. In [...] .g. ADR(%QB0) ) dwBitOffset DWORD Bit Offset
InfoCollectsToplevelAddressInfo InOut: Scope Name [...] VariableInformation BitOffset BYTE Variable
bit key in CBC mode [...] AES 128 bit key in [...] bit key in CBC mode
VarAccSymbolSetDescription : STRUCT InOut: Name [...] SymbolsSetName POINTER TO STRING dwSymbolsSetBit
, just in one call. It [...] . InOut: Scope Name [...] ValidTransitions POINTER TO IEC_BACNET_BIT
_StationStatus3_Diag : STRUCT InOut: Name [...] _Diag_Overflow BIT Slave has more
RegisterOffset : UDINT Get 32 bit register value In
_BLOCK ETCSlaveStack In [...] Addr VendorID InputBitOffset InputBitSize Input
RegisterOffset : BOOL Set 32 bit register value In
_SL_DIAG : STRUCT InOut: Name Type status1 BYTE status2 BYTE status