of a specific instance of a CIP object [...] (of the device in
case of filter criteria is “STRING” vType Visu_Types Type of
NewValue STRING use this way, because of integrated
STRING _password STRING The username part of the
SubprogramName STRING The name of the [...] signature of a subprogram
representing the result of [...] case of success, ERR [...] Symbol POINTER TO STRING The
0-based index of [...] of the latch [...] LatchVarType| has the value TYPE_STRING
BRCBName tyIEC61850_AT_VisSTRING255 Instance name of an instance of BRCB BRCBRef
DevParaLen UINT length OF whole [...] digit bOctetString ARRAY [0..1] OF USINT
OutputValue STRING stVariableValue STRING stMin STRING stMax STRING i