_BLOCK ModbusRequest2 In [...] outputs operate in the [...] Abort), or in the event of
16#1005). In [...] ExtendedID BOOL true : 29bit [...] : 11bit SYNC COBID
16#1005). In [...] ExtendedID BOOL true : 29bit [...] : 11bit SYNC COBID
identifiers (29bit). In [...] range but by bit mask [...] : this bit may be
SingleIdReceiver InOut: Scope Name [...] .gc_hINVALID in case of failure [...] RTR BOOL RTR bit x29Bit
_only InOut: Name None [...] ByCall BitRelative
in nanoseconds [...] CAT chip in the slave it is either a 32Bit
further byte is [...] also stored in the [...] allocation in the runtime
. InOut: Scope Name [...] , that is the way in [...] represented. byVarType BYTE
InOut: Scope Name [...] Param INT iBit INT