Index (ENUM) ¶ TYPE [...] , it’s used in Test [...] _only InOut: Name
Severity (ENUM) ¶ TYPE [...] _only InOut: Name [...] should be done in a
State (ENUM) ¶ TYPE Module [...] _only InOut: Name [...] may be used in
RangeMode (ENUM) ¶ TYPE VState [...] _only InOut: Name [...] StepSize and “ramp in” use
ERROR (ENUM) ¶ TYPE ERROR [...] _only InOut: Name
OPCUAClientSubscriptionState (ENUM) ¶ TYPE [...] _only InOut: Name
TypeIds (ENUM) ¶ TYPE Type [...] _only InOut: Name
PlcSymbolicQuality (ENUM) ¶ TYPE PlcSymbolicQuality : InOut: Name
RequestStatus (ENUM) ¶ TYPE RequestStatus : InOut: Name
RequestStatus (ENUM) ¶ TYPE RequestStatus : InOut: Name