SysDirAsync Version [...] := 2 ; ASYNCSTATE [...] := 4 ; The status at
SoftMotion version 4 [...] SMC_GroupJog2 for [...] change to SMC_GroupJog2
AXIS_REF_CAN_Nanotec_PD4 [...] _BLOCK AXIS_REF_CAN_Nanotec_PD4 [...] : errorstop 2: stopping 3
FctGetIsNativeElementEventWithResult (Function) VisuFctGetMeasureString2 [...] Manager10 (Interface) ClosePAADialog2 [...] NonModalDialogRectangles (Method) IDialogManager2
: errorstop 2: stopping 3: standstill 4: discrete [...] ] Parameter number: 1200, 2
3_Math Version : 4 [...] functions: atan2, 3 [...] _Interpolate (Function) SMC_IsPowerOf2
AXIS_REF_ETC_Delta_ASDA_A2 [...] _BLOCK AXIS_REF_ETC_Delta_ASDA_A2 [...] : errorstop 2: stopping 3
AXIS_REF_ETC_Kollmorgen_AKD2 [...] _BLOCK AXIS_REF_ETC_Kollmorgen_AKD2 [...] : errorstop 2: stopping 3
3_RCP Version : 4 [...] ManipulatorDynStateTRange (Function) ComputeV2 [...] _Fun_ParamTransform (FunctionBlock) Dbg_Fun_SolveIVP_tau2
_REF_SM3 IMPLEMENTS DED.IDevice2 [...] : errorstop 2: stopping 3: standstill 4: discrete