SenseHat.GyroZCalibrated (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY GyroZCalibrated : LREAL
SenseHat.GyroZIntegral (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY GyroZIntegral : LREAL
SenseHat.LowLight (METH) ¶ METHOD LowLight
SenseHat.SetGamma (METH) ¶ METHOD SetGamma InOut: Scope Name Type Inout GammaValue Gamma
connector ¶ AfterReadInputs (Method) BeforeWriteOutputs (Method)
SenseHat.AfterReadInputs (METH) ¶ METHOD AfterReadInputs : INT InOut: Scope Name Type Return AfterReadInputs INT
SenseHat.BeforeWriteOutputs (METH) ¶ METHOD BeforeWriteOutputs : INT This method can be overloaded by extending FBs. It is used to write the outputs to the device at the end of the cycle. Always including a call of the base implementation with super^.BeforeWriteOutputs() In the base implementation, the body of the FB is called. InOut: Scope Name Type Return BeforeWriteOutputs INT
status ¶ Operational (Property)
SenseHat.Operational (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY Operational : BOOL This property has to return TRUE , when the device is configured and running
fmod (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION fmod : LREAL This function returns the value x modulo m . It is defined as fmod(x,m) = x - floor(x/m)*m, except for m = 0. fmod has the following properties: m != 0 => x = floor(x/m)*m + fmod(x,m), m > 0 => 0 <= fmod(x,m) < m, m < 0 => 0 >= fmod(x,m) > m. m = 0 => fmod(x,m) = 0. InOut: Scope Name Type Input lrX LREAL lrM LREAL Return fmod LREAL